ILMAC 2013 - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology
ILMAC 2013: Geared to you. Focused on your success.
24.-27. September 2013 | Messe Basel
Get your ticket today with the promo code ILMAC-SCS
Markets worldwide are undergoing a radical change, and the process and laboratory industry is no exception. The way to achieve continuous success here is to keep pace with developments and to launch innovations at precisely the right time.
ILMAC 2013: some 450 exhibitors from research and development, pilot testing and engineering, right through to production and disposal – mapping the entire production sequence.
SCS Activities at ILMAC 2013
At ILMAC 2013 the SCS will present itself in a completely new way and focus on in-fair activities to closer interact with visitors. In collaboration with the universities of applied sciences, ZHAW, FHNW and HES-SO (Fachhochschulen FH), the SCS awards the best joint research projects of FH and their industrial partners and will present them in an exhibition at the shared stand. In addition the best projects will be presented as short talks in the ILMAC-Forum. Besides the SCS-FH activities three mini-symposia will shorten your journey and the winners of the Dr. Max Lüthi Award 2013 will be honored. It would be our pleasure to welcome you as our guest at the stand or as visitor in one of the forum events.
ILMAC-Forum: an interesting 4-days program
Program of the ILMAC-Forum
SCS/FH Stand: Hall 1.1, Stand C84

More information:
David Spichiger, SCS
Prof. Katharina Fromm awarded as fellow of ACS
Prof. Katharina Fromm, University of Fribourg, was honored as fellow of the American Chemical Society. She is the first European female chemist who receives this prestigious title.
Picture: nomination ceremony in Indianapolis
Prof. Katharina Fromm was honored for the following outstanding contributions:
Contribution to the science/profession: Recognized for outstanding research on coordination chemistry, teaching (Freshman Chemistry), and public outreach activities such as the International Year of Chemistry 2011.
Contribution to the ACS community: Served as Session Chair at ACS meetings and has organized invited lectures, also for U.S. chemists, at the University of Fribourg.
Newsmessage on the webpage of the University of Fribourg
Prof. Katharina Fromm, 026 300 87 32
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Update, Sep 2013
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Balmer Preis 2013 an Dr. Thomas Berset verliehen
Anlässlich des Fortbildungskurses für Gymnasiallehrpersonen an der Universität Zürich vom 11. September 2013 wurde Dr. Thomas Berset von der Kantonsschule Musegg Luzern für sein Projekt «"Primarschulchemie“, in dem Gymnasiasten/innen chemische Experimente für Primarschüler/innen in innovativer und nachhaltiger Weise anleiten und erklären» ausgezeichnet.
Der mit 2'000 + 2'000 CHF dotierte Preis der Schweizerischen Chemischen Gesellschaft für Innovationen im Chemie-Unterricht für in der Schweiz tätige Lehrer auf Sekundarstufe II (Gymnasium) wurde dieses Jahr von zum vierten Mal vergeben.
Mit seinen Arbeiten, dass Gymnasiasten/innen Experimente für Primarschüler vor- und aufbereiten, leistet Thomas Berset einen wichtigen didaktischen Beitrag, der die Chemie aus dem Klassenzimmer mit dem Alltag verbindet und die Freude an den Naturwissenschaften früh fördert.
Thomas Berset studierte und doktorierte nach dem Lehrerpatent an der Universität Zürich, wobei seine Arbeiten in der Biologie und der molekularen Genetik angesiedelt waren. Nach den Post-docs am Max-Plank Institut in Dresden und dem Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney sowie einem zweijährigen Abstecher in die Pharmaindustrie wechselte er 2010 an die Kantonsschule Musegg in Luzern. Seit September dieses Jahres ist Thomas Berset zudem auch an der PH Schwyz im Bereich Chemie- und Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik für die Primarschule tätig.
Details zum Projekt von Thomas Berset:
David Spichiger, SCS
ChemMedChem Backcover 9/13 from T. Fischer, R. Riedl, ZHAW
The back cover picture and its corresponding scientific article of MedChemMed 9/13 is provided by Thomas Fischer and Prof. Dr. Rainer Riedl from ZHAW: «Strategic Targeting of Multiple Water-Mediated Interactions: A Concise and Rational Structure-Based Design Approach to Potent and Selective MMP-13 Inhibitors (ChemMedChem 9/2013) (page 1572)»
The back cover picture depicts the beauty and significance of water molecules, key structural components in the architecture of living systems, for the rational design of small molecules with tailored biological activity. A potent and selective inhibitor of the therapeutically relevant target matrix metalloproteinase 13 was realized, without any screening activities, by a concise structure-based approach targeting multiple water molecules as binding partners. For more details, see the Communication by Rainer Riedl et al. on p. 1457 ff.
ChemMedChem Journal (by Wiley-VCH)
David Spichiger, SCS
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