KGF-SCS Awards, Sandmeyer Award and Grammaticakis-Neumann Award ceremonies 2013
On the occation of the SCS Fall Meeting VIP Dinner in Lausanne on Spetember 5, 2013 the KGF-SCS Industrial Investigator Awards, the Sandmeyer Award and the the Grammaticakis-Neumann Prize were given to the 2013 winners.
During the apero of the VIP Dinner on the terrasse of the Starling Hotel at EPFL Lausanne the following winners were awarded and honored for their outstanding scientific contributions.
Grammaticakis-Neumann Award 2013
Prof. Uwe Pischel, Huelva (ESP)
... in recognition of his important contribution to the development of photoactive molecular logic gates.
KGF Industrial Investigator Awards 2013
Distinguished KGF-SCS Award
Prof. Klaus Müller, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel and ETH Zürich
...for pioneering a number of important and crucial scientific initiatives both in academia and industry and most importantly for his early pioneering in ensuring quality academic-industry relations.
Senior KGF-SCS Award
Dr. Ian Lewis, Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research, Basel,
... for the design and synthesis of SOM230/Pasireotide (Signifor®), as the first pituitary directed medical therapy for Cushing’s disease approved by EMEA and FDA in 2012.
PD Dr. Werner Bonrath, DSM Nutritional Products, Basel
... for his contributions in the fields of Vitamins, Carotenoids and Flavor and Fragrances, always related to the application of new catalytic processes which can be industrialized.
Dr. Mark Rogers-Evans, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel
...for his work in medicinal chemistry, particularly for his studies of small heterocyclic ring systems such as Oxetanes and Azaspiro[3.4]octanes.
Sandmeyer Award 2013
Dr. Ralf Duempelmann, Dr. Pascal Steffanut, Dr. Samuel Dagorne, Dr. Stephane Bellemin
Clariant Group R&D and CNRS-Université de Strasbourg
... in recognition of their work on N-heterocyclic carbene based zirconium complexes for use in ring opening polymerization.
Photos of the ceremonies
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The KGF-SCS Industrial Investigator Award ist sponsored by
David Spichiger, SCS
Winners of the Best Poster Award at the Fall Meeting 2013
At the SCS Fall Meeting 2013 in Lausanne on September 6, 2013, the best poster presentations of each session were awarded with the DSM poster award.
The prizes were given for the best posters of each parallel session. The main criteria are the scientific quality and originality of the research, plus the quality of the presentation.
Prize Winner
- cash contribution of CHF 400.00
- travel voucher of CHF 750.00 to attend an international conference.
Runners‘ up Prize
- cash contribution of CHF 250.00
The prize was sponsored by DSM, and were given by Dr. Georg Kau, Director R&D, DSM
Winners 2013
Analytical Sciences
Winner: Simon K. Küster, University ETH Zürich
Runners-up: Hao Wang, ETH Zürich
Silvan R. Stucki, University of Bern
Catalysis Science & Engineering
Winner: Maximilian Moser, ETH Zürich
Runners-up: Florent Héroguel, ETH Zürich
Oliver Martin, ETH Zürich
Computational Chemistry
Winner: Sebastien Keller, ETH Zürich
Runners-up: Aurélien Patoz, EPF Lausanne
Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry
Winner: Jeanne Bolliger, University of Cambridge
Runners-up: Martin Schwarzwälder, ETH Zürich
Miriam Oberholzer, University of Zürich
Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Winner: Roger Slavik, ETH Zürich
Runners-up: Diana C. Rueda, University of Basel
Marco Bartoloni, University of Bern
Lea Radtke, ETH Zürich
Aurélien Godinat, EPF Lausanne
Organic Chemistry A: Catalytic Methodologies and Sustainable Processes
Winner: Patrick Isenegger, University of Basel
Runners-up: Michael Rickhaus, University of Basel
Nicolas Germain, University of Geneva
Organic Chemistry B: Synthetic Methodologies and Applications
Winner: Thomas Buyck, EPF Lausanne
Runners-up: Benjamin Wyler, University of Bern
Physical Chemistry
Winner: Maarten Eduard Van Reijzen, EPF Lausanne
Runners-up: Arnulf Rosspeintner, University of Geneva
Heiner Sassmannshausen, ETH Zürich
Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces
Winner: Francesco Nazzani, University of Fribourg
Runners-up: Martin Rother, University of Basel
Xiaoyan Zhang, University of Basel
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David Spichiger, SCS
Winners of the Best Oral Presentation Award at the Fall Meeting 2013
At the SCS Fall Meeting 2013 in Lausanne on September 6, 2013, the best oral presentations of each session were awarded with the Metrohm oral presentation award.
The prize is given for the two best presentations of each parallel session. The main criteria are the scientific quality and originality of the research, plus the quality of the presentation.
Prizes for Winners
- cash contribution of CHF 500.00
- travel voucher of CHF 750.00 to attend an international conference.
- invitation to present the research in the laureates issue of CHIMIA. Value CHF 1’000.00
Prizes for Runners‘ up
- cash contribution of CHF 300.00
The prize is sponsored by Metrohm and given by Dr. Markus Tobler, CEO Metrohm Schweiz AG
Winners 2013
Analytical Sciences
Winner: Luca Fornelli, EPF Lausanne
Runners' up: Caroline Münsterer, ETH Zürich
Catalysis Science & Engineering
Winner: Emiliana Fabbri, PSI Villigen
Runners' up: Karol Furman, ETH Zürich
Computational Chemistry
Winner: Jérôme Gonthier, EPF Lausanne
Runners' up: Gloria Capano, EPF Lausanne
Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry
Winner: Angèle Monney, LIKAT Rostock
Runners' up: Jan Breitenfeld, EPF Lausanne
Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Winner: Thomas Jack, University of Bern
Runners' up: Roland C. Preston, University of Basel
Organic Chemistry A: Catalytic Methodologies and Sustainable Processes
Winner: Cecilia Tortoreto, University of Geneva
Runners' up: Baihua Ye, EPF Lausanne
Organic Chemistry B: Synthetic Methodologies and Applications
Winner: Caroline Souris, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung
Runners' up: Gabriel Schäfer, ETH Zürich
Physical Chemistry
Winner: Benjamin Bertsche, EPF Lausanne
Runners' up: Susan Blaser, University of Bern
Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces
Winner: Philipp Anstaett, University of Zürich
Runners' up: Zhikun Zheng, ETH Zürich
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David Spichiger, SCS
Photos of the SCS Dinner at the Fall Meeting 2013
On the eve of the SCS Fall Meeting on Sep5, 2013, the SCS took the opportunity to organize a VIP Dinner for speakers of the FM13, SCS award winners, sponsors and important SCS stakeholders. More than 50 guests joined the apero at Starling Hotel and the dinner later on in the Restaurant "Le Petit Manoir".
On the occation of the apéro the winners of the following SCS awards were honored
- KGF-SCS Distinguished Industrial Investigator Award: Prof. Klaus Müller, Roche & ETHZ
- KGF-SCS Senior Industrial Investigator Award: Dr. Ian Levis, Novartis and Dr. Werner Bonrath, DSM
- KGF-SCS Industrial Investigator Award: Dr. Mark Rogers-Evans, Roche
- Sanmeyer Award: Dr. Ralf Duempelmann, Dr. Pascal Steffanut, Dr. Samuel Dagorne, Dr. Stephane Bellemin, Clariant Group R&D and CNRS-Université de Strasbourg
- Grammaticakis-Neumann Award: Prof. Uwe Pischel, University of Huelva
For more details please klick here.
The dinner offered a great opportunity to enlarge the network and to discuss current topics of research. For the first time the Swiss National Technology Platform on Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem Switzerland) was presented to the comunity and refered to the official launch of the Platform at ecochem in Basel on Nov 19, 2013.
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David Spichiger, SCS
Kavli Prizes 2014 - Call for nominations
2014 Kavli Prizes in Atrophysics, Nanoscience and Neuroscience open call for nominations
Nominations Can Be Submitted Through December 1
The 2014 Kavli Prize call for nominations has been opened by The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. The Academy will receive nominations through December 1, 2013. Complete nomination information, including an online form, is available at
Science prizes for the 21st century, the Kavli Prizes recognize scientists for their seminal advances in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience. Consisting of a scroll, medal and cash award of one million dollars, a prize in each of these scientific areas has been awarded every two years since 2008. The 2014 laureates will be announced next year, with the medals to be awarded during a ceremony in Oslo, Norway.
The Kavli Prizes are a partnership between The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, The Kavli Foundation (U.S.) and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. Independent of The Kavli Foundation, prize recipients are chosen by three committees comprised of distinguished international scientists recommended by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the French Academy of Sciences, the Max Planck Society (Germany), the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, The National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) and The Royal Society (U.K.). After making their selection for prize recipients, the recommendations of these prize committees are confirmed by The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
For more information about the call for nominations, please contact Eirik Lislerud.
David Spichiger, SCS
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