Call for nominations for the SCS Awards 2014
It's our pleasure to annound the call for the SCS awards 2014. It's one of our strategic measures to award scientific excellence and to honor outstanding scientific contributions in a wide range of chemistry fields.
Nominations for one of the nine SCS scientific awards have to be submitted by end of September 2013.
Paracelsus Prize, CHF 20,000 and medal in gold
The Paracelsus Prize is awarded to an internationally outstanding scientist for his or her lifetime achievements in chemical research. It is awarded every two years.
Werner Prize, CHF 10,000 and medal in bronze
The Werner Prize is awarded to a promising young Swiss scientist or scientist working in Switzerland for outstanding independent chemical research. At the time of the award the candidate may not be a tenured professor or someone in a higher position in industry, and should be younger than 40. The prize is awarded annually.
Grammaticakis-Neumann Prize, CHF 5,000
The Grammaticakis-Neumann Prize is awarded to a promising young scientist for outstanding independent research in photochemistry, photophysics or molecular photobiology. At the time of the award the candidate may not be a tenured professor or a person in a higher position in industry, and should be younger than 40. The prize is awarded annually.
Balmer Prize, CHF 2,000 for individuals and CHF 2,000 for the school’s chemistry department or CHF 3,000 for a group and CHF 1,000 for the school’s chemistry department and medal in bronze
The Balmer Prize is awarded to a teacher working in Switzerland at high school (gymnasium) level for innovation in chemistry teaching. The innovation must be easily applicable in current teaching and the costs for materials must be modest. The candidate may not make any claim to copyright in the innovation. The prize is awarded annually.
Dr. Max Lüthi Award, CHF 1,000 and medal in bronze
The Dr. Max Lüthi Award is presented for an outstanding diploma thesis in Chemistry conducted at a Swiss University of Applied Sciences. Nominations must be submitted by the head of the Chemistry Department of a Swiss University of Applied Sciences. The prize is awarded annually.
Sandmeyer Award, CHF 10,000 for individuals or CHF 20,000 for groups
The Sandmeyer Prize is awarded to a person – excluding tenured professors – or to a group for outstanding work in industrial or applied chemistry. The work must be completed in Switzerland or with the involvement of ba Swiss national. The prize is awarded annually.
KGF/SCS Industrial Science Awards
The KGF/SCS Industrial Scientific Awards are given to scientists working in Switzerland that are still working in industrial R&D.
Industrial Investigator Award honors successful investigators with outstanding achievements.
Certificate and cash check of CHF 7,000
Senior Industrial Investigator Award honors very successful and established investigators with outstanding achievements over many years.
Certificate and cash check of CHF 10,000
Distinguished Industrial Investigator Award honors senior scientists at the top of their research career for their lifetime achievements.
Certificate and cash check of CHF 15,000 (rewarded only on decision by the board)
For more details, please visit our website on
David Spichiger, SCS
ExpertInnen für «Patenschaft für Maturaarbeiten» gesucht
Die Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT) sucht ExpertInnen,
- die an 4 Halbtagen im Jahr Maturaarbeiten von Mittelschülern in allen naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern (Biologie, Chemie, Geowissenschaften, Informatik, Mathematik, Physik) betreuen wollen oder,
- die bereit sind, ihre Arbeit SchülerInnen (15 – 18 Jahre alt) vorzustellen.
Hauptziel der Initiative «Patenschaft für Maturaarbeiten» ist es, die Begeisterung für naturwissenschaftliche Berufe zu wecken und den GymnasiastInnen einen Blick in die Berufswelt zu ermöglichen. Dieses Angebot bietet den SchülerInnen die einmalige Möglichkeit, mit Wissenschaftern von Hochschulen oder aus der Industrie in Kontakt zu treten, spezifische Messgeräte zu benutzen und Forschungsluft zu schnuppern. Die Jugendlichen investieren viel in diese Arbeiten (ungefähr 1 Halbtag/Woche während eines Jahres) und lernen gleichzeitig die verschiedenen Karrieremöglichkeiten in den Naturwissenschaften kennen.
Im 2011 hat die SCNAT beschlossen, ein Angebot im Bereich Nachwuchsförderung zu entwickeln. Wir haben festgestellt, dass die Schulen regelmässig ReferentInnen suchen, die aus ihren Forschungsgebieten berichten möchten. Es soll deshalb eine Liste mit ExpertInnen geführt werden, die bereit sind, ihre Arbeit SchülerInnen sekundarstufe II vorzustellen.
Wenn Sie Ihren Bereich gerne motivierten Jungendlichen nahe bringen möchten, füllen Sie bitte die beiliegende Umfrage aus und schicken Sie ihn an uns zurück. Weitere Informationen finden Sie über die Internet-Adresse:
Wir würden uns über eine Zusammenarbeit sehr freuen.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Dr. Anne Jacob
Leiterin der Initiative
David Spichiger, SCS
23.05.2013 - win an iPad

Register and take the chance to win an iPad! is your first place to find:
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For example:
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We invite you to register for and join the raffle to win an iPad before May 31st 2013.
More information:
David Spichiger, SCS
Call for nominations: EuCheMS Lecture Award
The European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences awards the EuCheMS Lectureship. The Lectureship must be of a very high scientific level. It serves to strengthen the image of EuCheMS and of European chemistry in general. It should also emphasise the common interests and scientific cooperation among chemists in Europe.
The Lecturer should be a prominent chemist from a European country, who will be selected by the EuCheMS Executive Board. EuCheMS member organisations are invited to make proposals.
The deadline for nomination is 31 May 2013.
For details and nomination form please check the Lecture Award web page..
More information:
David Spichiger, SCS
ChemistryViews Hitlist - April 2013
ChemViews Magazine – Interviews
1. Interview with James T. Aquaticus, 01 April 2013, Author: Gregor Cicchetti, Vera Köster, Christine Mayer, Fay Wolter (images Isabella Cicchetti)
2. Where Chemical Education is Heading: Interview with Peter Mahaffy, 06 November 2012, Author: Vera Köster
3. Nanomaterials and Chocolate – Interview with Luisa De Cola, 02 October 2012, Author: Vera Köster
ChemViews Magazine – Highlights (without Interviews)
1. 2011 ISI Journal Impact Factors, 09 July 2012, Author: ChemViews
2. 2010 ISI Journal Impact Factors, 09 July 2012, Author: ChemViews
3. Like a Detective Story: The Discovery of C60, 02 April 2013, Author: Helena Dodziuk – News
1. Oxygen Releasing Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering, 10 April 2013, Author: Peter Creaton
2. Chemical Engineers’ Future Vision, 06 November 2012, Author: Chemistry Views
3. Malaria: One Drug, Double Action, 03 April 2013, Author: Melania Tesio – Education
1. Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Troubleshooting and Alternatives, 07 August 2012, Author: Sarah Millar
2. What is Shale Gas? How does Fracking Work?, 05 February 2013, Author: Vera Köster
3. Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Choices, 03 July 2012, Author: Sarah Millar – Videos
1. What is the InChl Code?, 09 April 2013, Authors: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
2. Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Restore its Broken Image, 21 March 2013, Authors: Chad Walker and Dave LaMattina
3. Opening of 245th ACS Meeting and Exhibition, 08 April 2013, Author: Mario Mülle
David Spichiger, SCS
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