Chemistry Europe Award 2023: Call for nominations

Céline Wittwer, SCS
Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2022: Register Now!
We are pleased to invite you to the Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2022, that is planned to take place on 25th and 26th August 2022 in Basel. The forum provides an innovative platform to exchange on the various aspects of drug development with a focus on peptides.
Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2022
University of Basel
Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung
15-26 August 2022, 09:00 – 17:00
Similar to previous events in the framework of Basel Life, presentations highlighted important new insights regarding the drug discovery of peptides including examples for successful development candidates. The forum disseminated information on latest news in the broad field of therapeutic peptides and enabled networking of interested parties from academia and industries.
The Scientific Program offers invited lectures and also a poster session in the first evening.
Registration is now open.
Deadline for abstract submission is July 30th, 2022.
register to join the conference |
We are looking forward to welcoming you soon!
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Contribute to the development of the next generation of scientists!
Join the pool of 300+ experts in our database.
What’s it about?
SCNAT's Commission for the Promotion of Young Scientists makes its database of scientific experts available to teachers and high school students, as well as textbook publishers, to facilitate contacts and promote science among young people.
How is the data tank used?
Students, teachers, and publishers can contact you about your provided information to collaborate or organize events with you. We ask you to name your areas of expertise with examples of topics, e.g. for visits or excursions with school classes, or Matura thesis topics.
Sponsorships for Matura theses?
The sponsorships are the heart of our database. Each year, more than 30 Matura theses are supported. As an expert, you advise students on the choice of topic or provide the infrastructure to answer the question they have developed themselves. Our goal is to increase the number of sponsorships to about 50 per year by 2024.
Who are we looking for?
We welcome your application if you are currently working in science (research, production, analysis, etc.). You are happy to share your passion and have the necessary resources (time for visits or lectures, infrastructure for [at least] four practical half-days during a Matura thesis). It is basically a voluntary commitment. SCNAT is not financially involved in collaborations with publishers. The experts set their own fees as service providers.
Thank you for your commitment!
To register, please fill out the form: Registration
Feel free to forward our request to your colleagues. Thank you very much.
David Spichiger, SCS
Statement of the SCG on the conflict in Ukraine
The Swiss Chemical Society is horrified by the invasion of Ukraine and is deeply moved by what the population is enduring. We urge all the members of the SCS community in Switzerland and throughout the world to do whatever they can to make this tragedy stop and to show solidarity. Every gesture counts!
The impact of this war will be profound and long lasting at all levels, and also on education and research. The Swiss academic authorities already have expressed their support for Ukrainian professors, researchers and students. The Board of the SCS considers it self-evident that we make our contribution where possible as well. We are therefore offering free SCG membership 2022 to all refugee Ukrainian scientists who have come to Switzerland, in the hope that we can provide networking and integration opportunities for these individuals.
To become an SCG member please go to and add in the comment field that you are a Ukrainian scientist who would like to benefit from the special offer.
The Board is carefully following what is happening and will communicate further support measures when we see the opportunity to do so.
We also strongly pledge to continue providing support to all scientists, as long as they are not directly involved in this conflict. It is more than ever important to let scholars do their work and express their opinions without fear of retribution, independently of their nationality and affiliation.
In the name of the SCS and the Board or Directors
Prof. Christian Bochet, President
Dr. Yves Auberson, Vice-President
David Spichiger, Executive Director
David Spichiger, SCS
8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC) 2023: Call for Abstracts
8th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
August 28 - September 1, 2023
Lisbon, Portugal
The 8th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress is being built under the unifying theme of Chemistry the Central Science, focusing on the central role of chemistry at the interfaces with biology, material and environmental sciences, both for the progress of humankind and for the solution of fundamental problems of modern societies. An exciting scientific program led by world class experts will develop around seven main scientific topics:
- Advances in Synthetic Organic Methodologies
- Metal Containing Compounds and Solids: Properties and Applications
- Chemistry meets Biology
- Colloids and Materials
- Biomaterials and Medicinal Chemistry
- Catalysis
- Spectroscopic and Analytical Tools / Advanced Physical Chemistry
accompanied by three sessions devoted to topics of particular relevance to join scientists from different areas:
- Chemistry and Society
- Functional Materials
- Food Chemistry
and the final one organized by EYCN, the EuChemS European Young Chemists´ Network of EuChemS The program will be completed by three general and particularly important themes, which will run every day and provide a general view of the field, going beyond the view from each classical area:
- Molecules in Motion
- Energy, Environment and Sustainability
- Imaging
This conference will be the 8th in a series that started in Hungary, and was held in several cities before reaching Lisbon. All of them reached very high scientific levels, giving to all the participants the opportunity of listening to the most celebrated world speakers presenting state of the art advances in chemical sciences and to discuss openly with the chemistry community.
CALL for ABSTRACT Deadlines
Oral Communications Presenters: 30th March, 2022
Poster Communications Presenters: 29th April, 2022
Standard Registration deadline: 17th June, 2022
Late registration deadline: 5th August, 2022
David Spichiger, SCS
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