86th LCA Discussion Forum: Safe- and Sustainable-by-Design

86th LCA Discussion Forum: Safe- and Sustainable-by-Design

The forum overall provides participants an in-depth understanding of SSbD and what the role of LCA is, enabling meaningful discussions and fostering further development. 

Start Date 25.04.2024 - 08:30
Event End 25.04.2024 - 17:30
Location ETH Zürich
ETH Zentrum Campus, GEP Pavillion
Attachment LCA-SSbD-Symposium24.pdf

Safe- and Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD)
SSbD is a new framework developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (EC-JRC) that aims to transform the way how the European chemical industry is developing new chemicals and materials by taking into account both safety and sustainability aspects. 

SSbD facilitates a comprehensive assessment as it offers the opportunity to simultaneously address and assess safety aspects along with the planetary boundary framework (LCA and sustainability). To make this reality, the communities of risk assessors (hazard and exposure assessment) and LCA have to intensely collaborate, in particular when dealing with early-stage assessments. 

During the day, we will combine practical and conceptual presentations, and give you enough time for discussion with the various presenters. 

The day starts with an overview of the SSbD concept where the fundamentals and the strategy are introduced along with its operationalisation. The next section focuses on the integration of safety issues covering hazard and risk assessments together with the models/descriptors that facilitate such an assessment. Sustainability considerations are addressed in the third part, followed by practical examples, showcasing SSbD applications together with a panel discussion on these first experiences in the application of the concept. 

Organizing Committee
Akshat Sudheshwar, Bernd Nowack, Claudia Som, Joanke van Dijk, Merve Tunali, Roland Hischier, Empa, St. Gallen

Registration Fees

  • Regular on site: CHF  300
  • Regular online: CHF 150
  • Reduced fees for students
