SCS Spring Meeting 2016: «Green Chemsitry»
Start Date | 22.04.2016 - 09:30 |
Event End | 22.04.2016 - 17:00 |
Location | Universität Zürich, Campus Irchel, Departement für Chemie |
As a general rule the Society holds its general assembly during the lunch break.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Prof. Martyn Poliakoff, University of Nottingham
«Towards Greener Photochemistry»
- Prof. Paul T. Anastas, Yale University
«Green Chemistry: The Chemistry of Sustainability»
- Prof. Maksym Kovalenko, ETH Zürich
«Nano- and single-crystals of lead halide perovskites: from bright light emission to hard radiation detection»
- Dr. Thomas Güttinger, Process Development Specialty Chemicals at BASF
«Green Process Development @ BASF: A Short Walk through the Basic and Specialty Chemicals Landscape»
- Prof. Walter Leitner, RWTH Aachen
«Carbon Dioxide as Raw Material for the Energetic and Chemical Value Chain: Challenges and Opportunities for Catalysis»
- Prof. Paul J. Dyson, EPF Lausanne
«Enhancing sustainable catalytic processes with ionic liquids»
Prof. Roger Alberto
+41 (0)44 635 46 31
Prof. Greta Patzke
+41 (0)44 635 46 31
University of Zurich
Department of Chemistry
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich