SCS Industrial Awards
In 2013 the Swiss Industrial Science Fund (SISF) implemented this award program with support from the SCS in order to honor researchers working in industry in the field of chemistry. The program targets scientists from companies of any size working in the field of chemistry or chemical related sciences. There are three awards with different criteria in terms of the experience and level of research attained by the candidates. The awards are presented only to active researchers working in Switzerland.
Industrial Science Award
- to honor successful investigators with outstanding achievements.
- Certificate and cash check of CHF 7000
- The prize is given on an annual basis
Senior Industrial Science Award
- to honor very successful and established investigators with outstanding achievements over many years.
- Certificate and cash check of CHF 10’000
- The prize is given on an annual basis
Distinguished Industrial Science Award
- to honor senior scientists to honor their lifetime achievements in chemical research.
- Certificate and cash check of CHF 15’000
- Rewarded on decision by the board

The awards are given to individuals exclusively.
At the time of the award the persons honored have to work in Switzerland and have to be still active in R&D.
Nominations are welcome from
a) senior scientists or direct line managers to honor a successful team member
b) candidates (self-nomination) incl. a supporting letter from the direct line manager or another senior scientist of the candidate’s company
c) third parties incl. a supporting letter from a senior scientist of the candidate’s employer.
A nomination must include:
A nomination letter (statement of the research areas in chemistry on which the nomination is based).
A brief curriculum vitae of the proposed nominee (max 3 pages).
A description of the achievements including publications if available.
Not more than three seconding nomination letters.
The documents (language E/D/F) should be sent electronically to no later than September 30, 2025.