Division of Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology (DMCCB)
The DMCCB comprises about 750 scientists interested in medicinal chemistry, chemical biology and related fields of research. Beyond Switzerland, the DMCCB interacts with other country organizations to represent the Swiss medicinal chemistry and chemical biology community. The Division is also a member of the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC).

The aims of the DMCCB are to
- foster an international network of medicinal chemists, chemical biologists and scientists working in related fields
- facilitate contacts with leading experts in the field
- organize symposia, seminars and advanced training courses
- network and encourage the exchange of ideas
Its main activities are to
- organize the bi-annual DMCCB Basel Symposium on a cutting-edge topic.
- organize the annual, international Peptide Therapeutics Forum in Basel.
- chair the MedChem & ChemBio sessions at the SCS Fall Meetings.
- collaborate with the medicinal chemistry and chemical biology divisions of chemical societies in neighbouring countries to organize joint conferences.
- provide education to community members with the bi-annual Swiss Course on Medicinal Chemistry in Leysin or the Swiss Summer School on Chemical Biology in Villars/Les Diablerets.
- publish the CHIMIA column ‘Highlights in Medicinal Chemistry’.
- inform the community via social media and through the DMCCB newsletter.