Simon-Widmer Award
CHF 5,000.- and trophy
The Simon-Widmer Award in memory of Prof Wilhelm Simon and Prof Michael Widmer honors distinguished scientists for their contribution to fundamental and applied analytical science and the education of analytical scientists.Nominations are invited from organizations and individuals. Self-nominations are not admitted.
A nomination must include:
A brief curriculum vitae of the proposed nominee (max 3 pages).
A list of 20 of the nominee's most important scientific publications.
A nomination letter (emphasizing the research area and the continuous and innovative contributions in analytical sciences on which the nomination is based).
The documents listed under 1-3 should be sent electronically as a single pdf file to (e.g. nominee name-simon-widmer.pdf). Supporting letters should also be submitted electronically.
The deadline for all documents to reach the Swiss Chemical Society is September 30, 2026. An international committee will evaluate the candidates and will decide about the winner.