Objectives and Mandate

The Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures is a planning instrument for research infrastructures updated every four years. The State Secretariate for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) would like to strengthen the the view of the research community throughout the process leading to the Swiss roadmap.

Therefore, SERI gave a mandate to the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) to produce discipline specific roadmaps by March 2021. These disciplinary roadmaps will provide insights for decision-making on the allocation of university and federal funding for costly research infrastructures over the period 2025–2028.

Process Leading to the Chemistry Roadmap

Representatives from all Swiss universities, institutions of the ETH domain, and universities of applied sciences were invited to join the Chemistry Round Table.

Proposals for research infrastructures (RI) were collected and further elaborated in dedicated working groups. The criteria for the selection were:

  • RI that will be open to the entire research community in Switzerland
  • Large RI that are not affordable to a single department/university


We Need Your Feedback!

Please fill in the survey on the website: chem.scnat.ch/rotachem

We appreciate also a general feedback and comments via e-mail to .
Thank you for your feedback!


David Spichiger, SCS