CHF 5'000
METAS honors with this award a young and promising scientist working in Switzerland for an outstanding contribution to the field of metrology in chemistry and/or biology. The price is announced nationally and is restricted to persons who are, at the time of the submission deadline, affiliated with Swiss academic or research institutions.METAS awards the price annually under reservation of suitable nominations.

We solicit nominations from all individuals including self-nominations.
A complete nomination includes:
A cover letter clearly stating why the candidates contribution to metrology in chemistry and/or biology is outstanding (max. 1 page)
Max. two supporting nomination letters.
A brief curriculum vitae of the nominee (max. 2 pages)
A list of the nominee's scientific publications
The documents listed above should be sent electronically as a single pdf file to . Supporting letters can be submitted separately by email to .
The deadline for all documents to reach the Swiss Chemical Society is November 8, 2025.
The award committee will evaluate nominations and decides about the winner at the end of the year. The award ceremony takes place at the annual CHanalysis (March 2025) organised by the Division of Analytical Sciences of SCS. The awardee is expected to give a presentation at the CHanalysis as well as at the Federal Institute of Metrology METAS.
Award Committee
Bernd Güttler, PTB Deutschlang, Metrologie in der Chemie
Kai Stölting, METAS, Metrologie in der Biologie
Jürgen Stohner, ZHAW, IUPAC
Markus Obkircher, Merck AG, zertifizierte Referenzmaterialien
Hanspeter Andres, Federal Institute of Metrology METAS