Section of Chemistry and the Environment (SCE)
The SEC provides a platform for scientists of fundamental and applied research in environmental sciences and regulatory experts in the field and represents them in national and international organizations. The Section’s activities include research areas related to chemical processes that molecules undergo in the environment and their impact on the environment.
SCE hosts a yearly parallel session on “Chemistry and the Environment” at the SCS fall meeting. Topics covered include fate and effects of (bio)molecules in the environment (including atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry), analytical chemistry for environmental sciences, and approaches for assessing and designing environmentally benign new chemicals.
Community News

The aims of the SEC are
- Organizing meetings, seminars, workshops and lectures.
- Providing a networking platform for scientists of environmental chemistry to exchange ideas and expert knowledge between academia, industry and regulatory experts .
- Spreading information through the community and promoting activities of partner organizations.
- Representing SEC scientists’ interests in national and international organizations.
Main activities
- Support and Chair the Session Chemistry & the Environment at the SCS Fall Meetings.
- Take the guest editor role for a CHIMIA issues on aregular basis.
- Inform the community via Social Media channels and with the SEC newsletter.