Angewandte Chemie and Chemistry Europe are pleased to announce the upcoming Virtual Symposium on "Empowering Diversity in Science: Gender in Academia and Publishing" as part of the IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast initiative.

When: Thursday, 25th of February at 15:00 CET (UTC+1)

This exciting event will be moderated by Sandra González Gallardo (Chemistry Europe) and Lisa Pecher (Angewandte Chemie) and will feature a wonderful lineup of speakers:

  • Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede (Professor, Chalmers University of Technology and Head of Genie Gender Initiative for Excellence, Sweden) - “Female faculty: Why so few and why care?”
  • Julia Trattnig (Consultant, Convelop, Cooperative Knowledge Design GmbH, Austria) - “Who cites whom? Tackling biases in academia”
  • Mia Ricci (Publisher, Wiley, USA) – “Committing to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive publishing environment”

To register for this free event, please click here. We encourage you to save the date in your calendar. For more upcoming virtual events from Chemistry Europe please visit the Chemistry Europe Hub or Chemistry Views.

Céline Wittwer, SCS