The general assembly of the youngSCS was held at the SCS Fall Meeting on August 24, 2023 at Von Roll Areal, University of Bern. An overview of the last years events was given, future events were presented, and a new board was elected. More than 40 attendees joined the event and motivated the board members to continue the efforts to further establish the community. In the past year, the youngSCS has grown further and expanded its activities. Apart from relaunching the Swiss Snow Symposium and getting involved in the International Chemistry Olympiad, we organized several company visits, such as at Bachem and Metrohm, and workshops. Furthermore, we continued our efforts to establish local groups that connect us with the young researchers at the different Swiss research institutions. As a result, different events were organized, such as the first edition of the BeNeFri symposium in April. The assembly was the occasion to elect a new board which will continue to promote chemistry and connect young researcher across Switzerland.

The new youngSCS board positions are:

  • President: Marie-Désirée Scheidt, University of Neuchâtel
  • Vice-President: Gaetano Geraci, University of Bern
  • Secretary: Tara Forrest, University of Geneva
  • Treasurer: Konstantina Armadorou, EPF Lausanne
  • Communication: Ghewa AlSabeh, Adolphe-Merkel Institute/EPF Lausanne
  • EYCN Delegate: Chrysanthi Papadimou, University of Neuchâtel
  • IYCN Delegate: Magdalena Lederbauer, ETH Zürich

Stay informed about the youngSCS’ activities:
X (Twitter) @SwissYoungChem
Among our next events, a Dottikon visit will be held on November 21st, as well as the 20th edition of Swiss Snow Symposium, which will be held from January 19th-21st in Saas-Allmagell.


David Spichiger, SCS
Désirée Scheidt, youngSCS