Chemistry Europe Fellow Program: Call for nominations
Céline Wittwer, SCS
EuChemS Award Program: Call for Nominations
EuChems Lecture Award
Each year, the major achievements of one junior scientist working in Chemistry in a country with a EuChemS member organisation will be rewarded.
Who is eligible for a nomination?
Nominees for the EuChemS Lecture Award should be scientists who have made major contributions to any area of Chemistry and significantly advanced our understanding of a particular discipline. Nominees must be working in a country with a EuChemS member organisation at the time of the nomination. The Award is generally meant for scientists within 10 years of their PhD. Eligible career breaks that can be considered for the extension of the eligibility window are maternity or paternity leave after PhD award.
The winner will be offered to give a plenary invited lecture at the next European EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC). During the Award ceremony the awardee will be presented with a commemorative statuette and a certificate. The awardee’s travel, accommodation and registration fee will be covered in accordance with EuChemS regulations i.e. equally shared between the ECC organiser and EuChemS Budget.
EuChemS Award for Service
The EuChemS Award for Service acknowledges outstanding commitment with regard to fostering Chemistry and molecular sciences in Europe and the goals of EuChemS.
APPLY NOW! Swiss CleanTech Award 2021
Clariant and the Swiss Chemical Society once again are partnering to award the Clariant CleanTech Award Switzerland on the »2nd Green & Sustainable Chemistry Day« at Messe Basel (ILMAC) on 20 October 2021. The prize is endowed with a total of CHF 10,000 and is awarded to 3-5 finalists.
This award program honors outstanding scientific achievements of Master students, PhD students, and Postdocs in Switzerland in the field of Sustainable such as resource efficiency, renewable energy, renewable raw materials or green technologies and environmental protection.
Conditions for Participation
The Swiss CleanTech Award is available to successful Master students, PhD students, and Postdocs who have distinguished themselves with outstanding scientific achievements at the Departments of Chemistry and adjacent disciplines of Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences and Institutes in Switzerland in areas of Sustainable Chemistry such as resource efficiency, renewable energy, renewable raw materials or green technologies and environmental protection.
Master students, PhD students, and Postdocs will be considered with regard to their different levels of training.
Applicants are requested to submit their curriculum vitae, a brief description of the scientific results (max. 5 pages), and an expert assessment from a supervisor by 5 September 2021.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Wenige freie Plätze für die kommenden Kurse der SCS Academy verfügbar
Letzte freie Plätze in folgendem Kurs:
Kurs «GC für Fortgeschrittene: Einspritztechniken in Theorie und Praxis» am 22.-23. Juni 2021
Details und Anmeldung TR-4b
Aktuelle/Neue Angebote im Herbst 2021
Neuer Kurs «Grundlagen zur Lagerung und Entsorgung von Sonderabfällen im Chemielabor» (LB-1) am 24. September 2021
Details und Anmeldung LB-1
Online-Kurs «NMR-Spektroskopie» (SP-12) am 07. und 14. Oktober 2021
Details und Anmeldung SP-12_online
Online-Kurs «Innovation & Regulierung: Regulatorische Toxikologie für Chemiker» (QS-20) am 26. und 27. Oktober 2021
Details und Anmeldung QS-20_online
Online-Kurs «LC-MS Kopplungstechniken» (TR-24) am 25.11. und 02.12.2021
Details und Anmeldung TR-24_online
Kompletter Katalog der SCS Academy
About the SCS Academy
The SCS Academy of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCG) offers continuing education courses in various fields of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences. In addition to the established courses in analytical sicences (spectroscopy, separation techniques, quality assurance and information management), we now have new courses in the areas of laboratory basics and environmental sciences.
From beginners to experts, all level of users are within our target group. We offer our courses in collaboration with industrial partners to ensure the relevance of application.
Management SCS Academy
lic. phil. I Esther Wolff, Swiss Chemical Society
David Spichiger, SCS
Casale-Mini Symposia: an online Symposia Series as Part of Casale's 100th Anniversary in 2021
To celebrate its 100th anniversary, Casale in collaboration with the Section Catalysis of the Swiss Chemical Society (SwissCat) is launching a new series of online mini symposia. Interested researchers from all over the world are cordially invited to participate and to learn about the latest developments in the fields of homogeneous, heterogeneous and bio-catalysis.
The first event takes place as follows:
Casale-Mini Symposium #1, 2021
online event via zoom, June 8, 2021
«Overview on research in the field of CO2 capture, storage and utilization»
The industry will have to reduce carbon emissions, reaching the net zero target in the next decades. At the same time industry will have to continue producing carbon containing molecules and products with zero emissions. This is a challenging goal that need to be achieved developing the utilization of CO2 within a new carbon cycle. Casale believes that the development of novel highly-efficient technologies that aim at fully decarbonized industry can be achieved together with Universities in strict scientific collaborations.
13.30 Welcome to the Casale Mini-Symposium Series, an initiative from Casale in collaboration with the SCS
Introduction and highlight on the Industrial challenges on CO2
13.45 Prof. Marco Mazzotti, ETH Zürich
«Overview on Carbon Capture and Storage»
14.20 Prof. Raffaella Buonsanti, EPFL Valais, Sion
«Electrocatalytic Valorization of CO2»
14.55 Prof. André Bardow, ETH Zurich
«Pathways towards a carbon-neutral chemical industry»
15.20 Break
16.00 Annual Assembly 2021 of SwissCat
Prof. Javier Perrez-Ramirez, ETHZ and Prof. Matthias Arenz, University of Bern
16.30 End of the event
Please register on the website:
Céline Wittwer, SCS
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