SCNAT Chemistry Seminar 2025: Workshop on AI in Research and Publishing
In January, Dr. David Peralta, Editor-in-Chief of ChemMedChem, will go on a Swiss Institute tour for the Chemistry Seminar of the Swiss National Academy of Sciences Chemistry Platform. From January 15 until January 22, he will be visiting different institutes to run exciting chemistry workshops on AI in Research and Publishing.
Bild: AI generated image about AI in chemistry and publishing (https://chem.scnat.ch/de/chemistry_seminar/cs_2025)
Wed. 15. January: University of Zürich Retreat in Evolve
Location: CMSZH-retreat at Chalet LANA, Chemin du Canada 5, 1983 Evolène.
Time: 1630 (or 1700) about 2h.
Hosts and moderators: Vincent Freiburghaus & Claire Grigglestone [organisers of the retreat]
Thu. 16. January: University of Fribourg
Location: Pavillon Vert
Time: 1500-1700
Host and moderator: Fabio Zobi
Fri. 17. January: ETH Zürich
Location: PbLabs (ETH Zentrum, RZ Building, D-Floor)
Time: 1500-1800
Hosts and moderators: Elvan Kut and Christophe Copéret
Mon. 20. January: EPFL
Location: Room ELE 117
Time: 1500-1700
Hosts and moderator: Philippe Schwaller
Tue. 21. January: University of Basel
Location: kl. OC Hörsaal
Time: 1630-1830
Host and moderator: Christof Sparr
Wed. 22. January: Universiity of Bern
Location: S559 Club Room
Time: 1630-1700
Host and moderator: Natalie Banerji/ Berner Chemische Gesellschaft
David Spichiger, SCS
Swiss Summer School 2022 in Chemical Biology: registration is open
September 11-15, 2022
Place: Eurotel Victoria, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Teaching Body:
- Dr. Ingmar M. Hoerr, Founder of CureVac, Tübingen (Germany); Keynote Lecture
- Prof. Claudia Höbartner, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Würzburg (Germany)
- Dr. Jean Quancard, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, Basel (Switzerland)
- Prof. Andrea Rentmeister, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster (Germany)
- Dr. Tamara Reyes Robles, Merck Exploratory Science Center, Cambridge (MA, USA)
- Prof. Edward Tate, Imperial College London, London (UK)
All PhD students and postdocs are encouraged to participate actively in the summer school by presenting their research. Two poster sessions and short oral presentation slots (15 min) will be available.
- 13.06.2022 Deadline for abstract submission
- 28.06.2022 Notification of acceptance with type of contribution (poster, oral communication)
Scientific Committee:
Prof. Jean-Louis Reymond, University of Bern
Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi, SCS Foundation
Administrative Head
Prof. Sascha Hoogendoorn, University of Geneva
Prof. Aye Yimon, EPFL Lausanne
Prof. Dennis Gillingham, University of Basel
Prof. Nina Hartrampf, University of Zürich
Dr. Aleksandar Stojanovic, Novartis
Prof. Helma Wennemers, ETH Zürich
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Chemistry Europe Fellows Program: Call for Nominations
Chemistry Europe Fellows Program
The Chemistry Europe Fellows Program was established in 2015 by the Chemistry Europe Presidents and Representatives to recognize members of the Chemistry Europe societies for their outstanding achievements and contributions to Chemistry Europe and their service to at least one member society. The Chemistry Europe Fellows Program is established to foster the identity of Chemistry Europe within continental Europe but is not limited to that continent. It is the highest honor given by Chemistry Europe.
Nomination Process
- The Chemistry Europe Fellows will be announced and honored at the biannual EuChemS conference or during appropriate national meetings in the years in-between.
- Nominations should include the name, educational background, professional history (no more than 200 words), as well as contributions to Chemistry Europe (no more than 300 words). The submission must document that the nominee's accomplishments, excellence, and leadership are having a lasting impact on Chemistry Europe and its member societies.
- Nominations for the Chemistry Europe Fellows 2020/2021 must be sent to Dr. Vera Koester, Secretary General Chemistry Europe Fellows Program, by December 3, 2021.
- The new Fellows Class 2020/2021 will be announced in spring 2022
More information
For questions please contact Dr. Vera Koester, Secretary General of the Chemistry Europe Fellows Program, at
All Chemistry Europe Fellow
There are now a total of 103 Chemistry Europe Fellows and 6 Honorary Fellows.
- Chemistry Europe Fellows 2020/2021 will be announced in 2022
information on nomination process: see below - Chemistry Europe Fellows 2018/2019
- ChemPubSoc Europe Fellows 2016/2017
- ChemPubSoc Europe Fellows 2015 and Honorary Fellows
- List of all Fellows on the Chemistry Europe Hub
(with the change of the name from ChemPubSoc Europe to Chemistry Europe, the name of the Fellows also changed accordingly)
David Spichiger, SCS / Vera Köster, ChemistryViews
Practical Guide to Sustainable Research Data
Science Europe launched its Practical Guide to Sustainable Research Data and provides guidance on how to ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of research data.
The publication lays out three complementary maturity matrices for funders, performers, and data infrastructures to help create a common understanding of the approaches needed by the different stakeholders involved.
The matrices will allow organisations to evaluate the current status of their policies and practices, support the development of organisational ‘agendas for research data’ to ensure data sustainability, and encourage the alignment of policies with those of other organisations. Aligned approaches towards sustainable research data will provide a framework for researchers to share their data in a sustainable way and further support Open Science in becoming the ‘new normal’ in research.
“Open Science builds on the fundamental features of research and innovation: transparency, openness, verification, and reproducibility. It should be deeply embedded within the practice of research but to achieve such change, appropriate policies and practices must be in place throughout the whole research and innovation system” explained Professor Melanie Welham, Executive Chair UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Science Europe Governing Board Member, in the guide’s foreword.
“The matrices presented in this guide support organisations to develop and enhance their own policies and practices towards the sustainability and openness of research data, and encourage dialogue and collaboration with like-minded organisations. This directly supports the advancement of Open Science as a whole and helps it become an increasing part of a shared research culture” added Professor Roland Fischer, Vice-President of German Research Foundation (DFG) and Science Europe Governing Board Member.
Visit the website for more information and to download the guide as PDF file
David Spichiger, SCS
Geneva Chemistry & Biochemistry Days: January 14-15, 2021
The Section de chimie et biochimie, University of Geneva, has the pleasure to announce the 11th edition of its “Geneva Chemistry & Biochemistry Days”. Due to the sanitary situation, the event will be held at distance, via the Zoom interface (https://unige.zoom.us/j/92682442652 + code GCBD2021 or directly https://bit.ly/2KTSpEU; but we are convinced that the spirit of the event will not be impaired by this mishap.
The vocation of the event is to give our students who are close to finishing their PhD studies the opportunity to present their research as attractive speed talks to an audience from academia and industry, and the steering committee is glad to welcome you in this context.
Four distinguished lecturers further enrich the programme. Our four departments have invited them, and they will illustrate the extent and the quality of top-level fundamental research in chemistry and biochemistry today.
- Yves Barral, ETH Zürich
«Ageing: Insights from a good old fungal friend» - Jonathan Clayden, University of Bristol
«Exploiting molecular conformation for biomimetic function and reactivity» - Ivano Tavernelli, IBM Quantum, IBM Research Zürich
«Quantum computing and its applications in chemistry and physics» - Oliver Wenger, University of Basel
«Photoactive coordination compounds based on Earth-abundant metals»
We expect that the event will catalyse fruitful discussions between young and advanced researchers, and give our students an opportunity to get ready for their professional career, yet offering our guests an overview of the quality of the fundamental research performed in our School.
Looking forward to welcoming you at this event, we hope that you will enjoy the lectures and interactions!
Prof. Thomas Bürgi
Président de la Section de chimie et biochimie
David Spichiger, SCS
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