Review and Photos SCS Spring Meeting 2017
On Friday, April 21, 2017 the SCS Spring Meeting 2017 took place at University of Bern. Six international experts gave an insight view into their current research and gave a lecture on the symposium topic «Homogeneous Catalysis: New Paradigms, Wonderful Applications».
Lectures of the SCS Spring Meeting 2017
Prof. John Hartwig, Berkeley, USA «Selective Functionalization with Small and Large Catalysts» |
Prof. David Milstein, Weizmann, Israel «Design and Applications of Sustainable Catalytic Reactions for Synthesis and Energy» |
Dr. Rocco Paciello, BASF, Germany «Homogeneous Catalysis@BASF>» |
Prof. Morris Bullock, Pacific Northwestern, USA «Design of Molecular Electrocatalysts for the Production and Oxidation of Hydrogen» |
Prof. Hansjörg Grützmacher, ETH Zurich «Fun with Funny Organophosphorus Compounds» |
Prof. Pedro Perez, Huelva, Spain «Coinage metal-based catalysis for methane functionalization» |
Werner Prize Lectures 2017
The SCS President, Alain De Mesmaeker, also awarded the Werner Prize 2017 to Prof. Christof Sparr, University of Basel, and to Prof. Kevin Sivula, EPF Lausanne for their independent research as young professors.
Werner Lecture I: Prof. Kevin Sivula, EPF Lausanne «Engineering semiconductor materials and catalysts for photoelectrochemical solar fuel production» |
Werner Lecture II: Prof. Christof Sparr, University of Basel «The Stereoselective Arene-Forming Aldol Condensation» |
More details about the program are available on the symposium website
We thank all sponsors and exhibitors for their generous support that allowed us to organize this fantastic event:
Sponsors: KGF, SCNAT, MDPI, ChemPubSoc and Biazzi
Exhibitors: Advion, Agilent, Bruker, IGZ Instruments, Labomatic, Macherey-Nagel, Magritec, Merck and Waters
Photos of the Spring Meeting 2017
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David Spichiger, SCS
Bernd's 77 Birthday Symposium, June 2, 2017
Bernd's Symposium
Symposium to celebrate the
77th birthday of Prof. Bernd Giese
June 2, 2017,
University of Fribourg, Departement of Chemistry, main auditorium 0.013
On June 2nd 2017, Bernd Giese, one of Switzerland’s top chemists, will turn 77. On this occasion, the Department of Chemistry of the University of Fribourg organizes a birthday symposium around organic chemistry with focus on bio-organic and physical organic chemistry, reuniting many of Bernd Giese’s scientific offsprings as well as other internationally well recognized speakers. This symposium will offer an attractive programme to chemists in Switzerland as well as across borders.
Preliminary Programme
09.30 Arrival Coffee (please register)
10.00 Welcome Words Katharina Fromm
10.05 Helma Wennemers, Zürich, CH Chair: Torsten Linker
10.40 Andi Marx, Konstanz, D Chair: Hendrik Zipse
11.15 Carsten Bolm, Aachen, D Chair: Jens Hartung
11.50 Ulrich Lüning, Kiel, D Chair: Thomas Wirth
12.25 Lunch Break (please register)
13.40 Eric Meggers, University of Marburg Chair: Martin Spichty
14.15 JoAnne Stubbe, MIT, USA Chair: Christian Bochet
15.00 Frank Giese, Weil, D Chair: Vladimir Cmiljanovic
15.30 Coffee Break (please register)
16.00 Dennis Curran, Pittsburg, USA Chair: Katharina Fromm
16.45 Uta Wille, Melbourne, Australia Chair: Fabio Zobi
17.30 Closing Words and chemistry demonstrations (K. Fromm, U. Lüning)
19.00 Dinner (limited space available, please register)
Dinner speeches by R. Braslau and A. Bryant-Friedrich, both USA
David Spichiger, SCS
International Symposium on Metal Complexes (ISMEC 2017)
Initiated in 1974, ISMEC has become years after years a well-established series of international conferences focusing on the study and applications of metal complexes in the fields of analytical, biomedical, environmental, supramolecular, inorganic, physical, and industrial chemistry.
Hosted in 2017 for the first time in France, the 44th edition of ISMEC aims at providing an outstanding forum for sharing new ideas and discussing the most recent advances on the thermodynamics and kinetics of coordination processes. By gathering researchers from both academia and industry, ISMEC 2017 seeks to foster new collaborations among researchers from diverse backgrounds with complementary skills and goals.
Dates: June 11-15, 2017
Lieu: University of Burgundy, DIJON-France
Web site:
Contact : Dr. Michel Meyer, Conference Chair of ISMEC 2017,
- Speciation, solution equilibria and kinetics in relation to coordination chemistry
- Supramolecular chemistry
- Analytical methods and sensors based on metal complexes
- Industrial processes (e.g. hydrometallurgy, ion-exchange, catalysis…)
- Nanostructured metal complexes
- Metal complexes of environmental and biological interests (e.g. proteomics and metabolomics, interactions with metalloenzymes and biomolecules…)
- Metals in health sciences (e.g. transport, homeostasis, toxicity, therapy, diagnosis and imaging…)
- Chemometrics and computational modelling for equilibrium analysis
Plenary Lectures
- Prof. Jean-Pierre SAUVAGE - Nobel Laureate 2016
Université de Strasbourg - Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (France)
From chemical topology to molecular machines - Prof. Mauro BOTTA
Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro", Allesandria (Italy)
Ln-based MRI diagnostic probes at work: from small chelates to nanosized conjugates - Prof. Gábor LAURENCZY
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Ruthenium and iridium complexes in hydrogen/energy storage - Dr Yves LE MEST
Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest (France)
Electron transfer on copper in a biomimetic environment: from solution to modified electrodes - Prof. Ramón MARTINEZ MAÑEZ
Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
Chromo-fluorogenic probes and sensing materials
David Spichiger, SCS
Eschenmoser Lecture 2017: Prof. Dr. Richard A. Lerner, San Diego
The 2017 Eschenmoser Lecture is held by
Prof. Dr. Richard A. Lerner, The Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA
«The Chemistry of Large Numbers»
Monday, March 6, 2017, 16:00,
Lecture Hall HCI G7
ETH Zurich, Campus Hönggerberg
Guests are most welcome!
Save the date: We Scientists shape Science, Jan 26-27, 2017
Science has become a lot bigger and faster. Join us now to make it better!
We want science to be creative, solid, open, helpful for society and a good career oppurtunity for the talented youth. Let’s start to change what it means the be a scientist and the way and the framework in which science is conducted. It is us scientists who need to change science. Researchers and key players in the Swiss science landscape will decide upon first steps at the meeting. It is time for doing science right.
Event organized by the Swiss Academy of Science (SCNAT)
26. Jan 2016, 13.30 - 27. Jan 2016, 16.00
Eventforum Bern, Fabrikstrasse 12, 3012, Bern
Workshops on:
- Time for research
- Space for creativity
- Scientific career
- Scientific practice
- Open Science
- Science in society
Haus der Akademien
3001 Bern
+41 31 306 93 00
David Spichiger, SCS
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