SCS Lectureships: Prof. Michael Gottfried, 06.-10.06.2016
Prof. Michael Gottfried, Philipps-Universität Marburg (DE)
«Organometallic and coordination chemistry on surfaces»
Host: Karl-Heinz Ernst, EMPA Dübendorf
Mon, June 6, 2016, 15.00h
EMPA Dubendorf, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
VE 102 Auditorium, Überlandstrasse 129, Dübendorf
Tue, June 7, 2016, 17.00h
University of Zürich, Department of Chemistry
Lecture Hall Y-15-G-19, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zurich
Wed, June 8, 2016, 17.00h
ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
Hönggerberg, HCI J 4, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 10, Zurich
Thu, June 9, 2016, 16.30h
EPF Lausanne, Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
Lecture hall CH G1 495, Avenue Forel, Lausanne
Fri, June 10, 2016, 14.15h
University of Geneva, Department of Chemistry
Lecture hall A100, Sciences-II, 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet, Genève
EuCheM Congress: Important Reminder Call for Abstracts
On behalf of EuCheMS, ANQUE and all the Spanish societies involved in the organisation of this EuCheMS Congress, you are warmly invited to the 6th European Congress of Chemistry (EuCheMS 2016) in Seville, Spain, 11th-15th September, 2016.
Plans are already developing to have a wonderful celebration of Chemistry, the science that most enhances the everyday lives for every one of us, in all its facets. Plenary, Invited and Contributed lectures will bring you up to date in all topical areas of modern fundamental and applied Chemistry and will be offered by some of Europe’s and the world’s most distinguished Chemists.
You too can participate! There will be plenty opportunities for contributed papers and posters. Guidelines, information for authors, submissions, themes, topics, sessions and important dates are published and detailed in... Read more
Access the Abstract submission form available on line.
Submission Deadline: April 1, 2016
You can find all information at the web page:
Let us use this opportunity to make the 6th European Chemical Congress the best yet!
David Spichiger, SCS
Research breakthroughs and social impact: Young scientists debate synthetic biology
Research breakthroughs and social impact: Young scientists debate synthetic biology
Tuesday, February 16,2016, 12:30–16:00
Amphipôle, University of Lausanne.
Emerging technologies have the potential to offer new solutions for society’s challenges but also raise concerns about safety and ethical implications. Synthetic biology is a maturing discipline aiming to modify, rebuild and design biological systems. Possible applications include production of biofuels in microalgae, synthesis of therapeutics in yeast cells or removal of pollutants’ from the environment using bacteria.
How will synthetic biology transform – medicine? – the environment? – industry? – society? – our concept of life?
Young scientists will explore these questions together with the audience. All are welcome to join in on the discussion!
14.00 | Welcome Patrick Matthias, President Forum for Genetic Research |
14.05 | Studying life from the bottom-up: the new approaches of synthetic biology Jan Roelof van der Meer, University of Lausanne |
14.25 | Bio LOGIC, intracellular computing using dCas9 EPFL iGEM Team 2015 representatives |
14.40 | Round table discussion |
16:00 | End |
This session will be held in English. Participation is free of charge. For further information and registration:
Presented by the Forum for Genetic Research, Swiss Academy of Sciences in association with the BIO•FICTION Science, Art & Film Festival and Life Sciences Switzerland LS2.
This event is part of the LS2 Annual Meeting 2016.
David Spichiger, SCS
Two job offers at ETH Zurich
The Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences ( at ETH Zurich invites applications for a professorship as follows:
Professor of Organic Chemistry
The new professor has an established, internationally recognized research program on the synthesis, characterization, understanding and application of functional organic molecules and materials. He or she will be expected to teach undergraduate level courses (German or English) and graduate level courses (English).
Please apply online at
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and a statement of future research and teaching interests. The letter of application should be addressed to the President of ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. Lino Guzzella. The closing date for applications is 30 November 2015. ETH Zurich is an equal opportunity and family friendly employer and is further responsive to the needs of dual career couples. We specifically encourage women to apply.
Im Departement für Chemie und Angewandte Biowissenschaften ( der ETH Zürich ist folgende (ordentliche/ausserordentliche) Professur oder Assistenzprofessur zu besetzen.
Professur oder Assistenzprofessur (Tenure Track) für Theorie der Molekularen Quantendynamik
Gegenstand der Forschung sollte die molekulare Quantendynamik sein. Mögliche Gebiete umfassen die Quantendynamik der Elektronen und Kerne mit Relevanz für chemische Reaktionsdynamik, biologischchemische Prozesse und Molekülspektroskopie. Eine starke methodische, algorithmische und rechnergestützte Ausrichtung ist erwünscht. Die Zusammenarbeit mit experimentell oder theoretisch arbeitenden Gruppen wird unterstützt, und eine Lehrtätigkeit in allen Bereichen der physikalischen und der theoretischen Chemie wird erwartet. Vorlesungen auf MSc-Stufe werden in Englisch gehalten.
Assistenzprofessuren dienen der Karriereförderung junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler. Eine Erstberufung erfolgt auf vier Jahre mit der Möglichkeit einer zusätzlichen dreijähren Verlängerung, sowie einer anschliessenden Option auf eine permanente Position.
Bitte bewerben Sie sich auf:
Bewerbungen mit Lebenslauf und Publikationsliste, sowie einer Beschreibung der beabsichtigten Forschungs- und Lehrtätigkeit sind bis zum 31. Oktober 2015 online einzureichen. Das Anschreiben ist an den Präsidenten der ETH Zürich, Prof. Dr. Lino Guzzella, zu richten.
Als verantwortungsbewusste Arbeitgeberin mit fortschrittlichen Arbeitsbedingungen setzt sich die ETH Zürich für Chancengleichheit, für die Bedürfnisse von Dual Career Paaren und die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie ein. Die ETH Zürich fordert Wissenschaftlerinnen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf.
Open Position: Professor of Chemistry (Tenure Track Assistant Professor) in Basel
Professor of Chemistry (Tenure Track Assistant Professor)
The Faculty of Science (Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät) of the University of Basel invites applications for a position of Professor of Chemistry (Tenure Track Assistant Professor).
We are seeking candidates in all areas of Physical Chemistry with an outstanding research record and a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching. Research areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to, experimental and/or computational exploration of molecular systems, spectroscopy in the broadest sense, or characterization of the dynamics of complex systems. Candidates should have a strong publication record reflecting innovative, interdisciplinary, and collaborative approaches.
The Department of Chemistry is located near the center of Basel, a town which provides a stimulating and supportive environment for interdisciplinary research thanks to the strong presence of science institutes as well as the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. For further information see:
The selected candidate should start his or her appointment in 2016. Applications received by September 15, 2015 are guaranteed full consideration. The University of Basel is an equal opportunity and family friendly employer committed to excellence through diversity. To increase the number of women in leading academic positions the university strongly encourages applications from women. Applications, including a curriculum vitae, list of publications, an outline of current and future research plans and names of four referees should be sent by email (as pdf file) to Prof. Dr. Jörg Schibler, University of Basel, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Klingelbergstrasse 50, 4056 Basel, Switzerland at .
For further information, please contact: .
David Spichiger, SCS
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