Photochimica 2020 Contest: Deadline is March 7, 2020
Photochimica2020 is now live! This contest is organized by the European Young Chemists' Network (EYCN). This year they are partnering with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and bringing PhotoChimica online.
To submit your Sustainable Development photo, tag @RoySocChem and @YoungChemists and use #Photochimica2020 before March 7th.
Read more about the rules of the contest at here.
David Spichiger, SCS
EYCN Newsletter, Feb 2020
SCS Photochemistry Symposium 2019: June 14, Fribourg
SCS Photochemistry Symposium 2019
June 14, 2019, 10-00-17.30h
School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg
This one-day symposium is an initiative of the Photochemistry Section of the Swiss Chemical Society to promote the exchange within the photochemistry community in Switzerland and beyond.
The event will comprise scientific contributions from all areas of photochemistry as well as three keynote lectures on the topics of ultrafast spectroscopy, new luminescent metal complexes and solar cells.
The General Assembly of the Section will also take place during the meeting.
More information are available on the website:
Keynote Speakers
- Prof. Stephen Meech, University of East Anglia, UK
«Transient Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopy of Mechanism in Photomolecular Motors» - Prof. Katja Heinze, University of Mainz, Germany
«Near-Infrared Emission with Earth-Abundant Metal Ions» - Prof. Natalie Banerji, University of Bern, Switzerland
«Charge generation and transport in organic solar cells»
Registration fee
- CHF 100.00 (includes lunch)
Contributed talks and posters
- To apply for a short talk or a poster presentation please select the corresponding option during the registration. Upload a short abstracts (<200 word) using the provided template.
- Applications for talks that can not be considered are invited to present their contribution as a poster.
- Posters should be prepared in standard A0 size (portrait).
- Abstract submission deadline: April 30, 2019
- Registration deadline: May 30, 2019
Organization Committee
- Olivier Nicolet, HES-SO/HEIA-FR (Chair),
- Tatu Kumpulainen, University of Geneva
- Oliver Wenger, University of Basel
- Silvio Canonica, Eawag, Dübendorf
- Kurt Dietliker, ETHZ, Zürich
David Spichiger, SCS
Prof. Olivier Nicolet, HES-SO, elected as new President of the SCS Photochemistry Section
At the General Assemby of the Photochemistry Section of the SCS at EPFL Lausanne on September 7, 2018, Prof. Olivier Nicolet, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland (HES-SO) was elected as new president. He succeeds Silvio Canonica who served as president for eight years and who will stay in the board as member for another term to ensure continuity.
We like to welcome Olivier Nicolet as new president and thanks Silvio Canonica for leading the section for so many years. Thanks a lot, Silvio!
Members of the Photochemistry Board 2018-2020:
- Olivier Nicolet, HES-SO Fribourg − President
- Silvio Canonica, Eawag Dübendorf − Member (Past-President)
- Kurt Dietliker, ETH Zürich − Member
- Tatu Kumpulainen, University of Geneva − Member (new)
- Oliver Wenger, University of Basel − Member
Olivier Nicolet will start a survey asking all Photochemistry Section members what they think about possible future activities of the Section. This survey will include questions about the organization of a scientific meeting, and the most appropriate time frames to hold such a meeting and the General Assembly.
David Spichiger, SCS
ChemPhotoChem published first articles online
ChemPhotoChem has published its first batch of articles online! A couple of them are from board members and the overall quality is really high. We were very selective with what we accepted, or even sent out for peer review, to ensure a high quality from the start and I think this will pay off in the future.
Resent articles published (Version of Record online: 10 NOV 2016), that are available for free:
- Synthesis of Hierarchical TiO2–C3N4 Hybrid Microspheres with Enhanced Photocatalytic and Photovoltaic Activities by Maximizing the Synergistic Effect
Dr. Wei Wang, Yu Liu, Jifa Qu, Dr. Yubo Chen, Prof. Moses O. Tadé and Prof. Zongping Shao | DOI: 10.1002/cptc.201600021
- Photochemical Treatment of Powder Coatings and VOC-Free Coatings with NIR Lasers Exhibiting Line-Shaped Focus: Physical and Chemical Solidification
Christian Schmitz and Prof. Dr. Bernd Strehmel | DOI: 10.1002/cptc.201600009
- Sunlight-Driven Overall Water Splitting by the Combination of Surface-Modified La5Ti2Cu0.9Ag0.1S5O7 and BaTaO2N Photoelectrodes
Dr. Tomohiro Higashi, Yuki Shinohara, Atsushi Ohnishi, Jingyuan Liu, Dr. Koichiro Ueda, Shintaro Okamura, Prof. Takashi Hisatomi, Prof. Masao Katayama, Dr. Hiroshi Nishiyama, Dr. Taro Yamada, Prof. Tsutomu Minegishi and Prof. Kazunari Domen | DOI: 10.1002/cptc.201600015
- Strong Color Tuning of Self-Assembled Azo-Derived Phosphonic Acids upon Hydrogen Bonding
Pauline Girard, Dr. Julie Hémez, Dr. Virginie Silvestre, Dr. Christine Labrugère, Dr. Lénaïc Lartigue, Prof. Jean-Luc Duvail and Prof. Eléna Ishow | DOI: 10.1002/cptc.201600014
- Geometry-Controlled Photoinduced Charge Separation and Recombination in a Trans-A2B2-Functionalized Donor–Acceptor Conjugate Composed of a Multimodular Zinc Porphyrin and Fullerene
Alejandro Benitz, Michael B. Thomas and Prof. Dr. Francis D'Souza | DOI: 10.1002/cptc.201600017
Best wishes,
Greta Heydenrych
Editor-in-Chief: ChemPhysChem, ChemElectroChem, and ChemPhotoChem, ChemPubSocEurope Journals
E-Mail: , ,
David Spichiger, SCS
New board members for the SCS Photochemistry Section
At it's Annual Meeting at University of Zürich, Irchel Campus on September 15, 2016, the Photochemistry Section of the SCS confirmed and elected the following board members for 2017 onwards:
- Silvio Canonica, Eawag Dübendorf − President (continuing)
- Pierre Brodard, HES-SO Fribourg − Member (continuing)
- Kurt Dietliker, BASF Basel − Member (continuing)
- Olivier Nicolet, HES-SO Fribourg − Member (new)
- Oliver Wenger, University of Basel − Member (new)
The Executive Committee will try and promote the organization of one-day photochemistry symposia on different topics and in different host institutions on a yearly basis. Ideas are gathered to possibly improve the concept, preparation, announcement and participation in such yearly scientific meetings. The Executive Committee will look for suitable hosts of such a meeting in 2017.
If you are interested in the complete minutes, please send a mail to Silvio Canonica ().
David Spichiger, SCS
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