Information Video "Roadmap for chemistry research infrastructures"
Objectives and Mandate
The Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures is a planning instrument for research infrastructures updated every four years. The State Secretariate for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) would like to strengthen the the view of the research community throughout the process leading to the Swiss roadmap.
Therefore, SERI gave a mandate to the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) to produce discipline specific roadmaps by March 2021. These disciplinary roadmaps will provide insights for decision-making on the allocation of university and federal funding for costly research infrastructures over the period 2025–2028.
Process Leading to the Chemistry Roadmap
Representatives from all Swiss universities, institutions of the ETH domain, and universities of applied sciences were invited to join the Chemistry Round Table.
Proposals for research infrastructures (RI) were collected and further elaborated in dedicated working groups. The criteria for the selection were:
- RI that will be open to the entire research community in Switzerland
- Large RI that are not affordable to a single department/university
We Need Your Feedback!
Please fill in the survey on the website:
We appreciate also a general feedback and comments via e-mail to .
Thank you for your feedback!
David Spichiger, SCS
Winners of the Best Poster Presentation Awards at the SCS Fall Meeting 2020
In collaboration with DSM Nutritional Products, SCS offered again the very attractive and prestigious Fall Meeting Best Poster Award program. Combined with the Best Oral Presentation Awards program this is probably the most highly remunerated award program in the field, and we are very proud and happy to cooperate with our sponsoring partners. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to DSM Nutritional Products Ltd for their generous support and congratulate all winners for their fantastic contributions.
Roman Imhof awarded a total of 25 winners at the end of the SCS Fall Meeting online on August 25, 2020.
Winners of the Best Poster Presentation Awards 2020
Analytical Sciences | |
Winner | Stefan Kradolfer, ETH Zurich |
Runner-up | Tara Forrest, University of Geneva |
Catalysis Sciences & Engineering | |
Winner | Simon Büchele, ETH Zurich |
Runner-up | Andrea Blankenship, ETH Zurich |
Zachariah Berkson, ETH Zurich | |
Yongpeng Liu, EPFL Lausanne | |
Computational Chemistry | |
Winner | Stephanie Grimmel, ETH Zurich |
Runner-up | Christian Schellhaas, ETH Zurich |
Chemistry and the Environment | |
Winner | Anna Morales-Melgares, EPFL Lausanne |
Runner-up | Nora Bartolomé, Agroscope |
Charlotte Driesen, Empa | |
Inorganic Chemistry | |
Winner | Aurélien R. Willauer, EPFL Lausanne |
Runner-up | Leonie J. Bole, University of Bern |
Medicinal Chemistry | |
Winner | Remi Patouret, University of Geneva |
Runner-up | Susanna Zamolo, University of Bern |
Chemical Biology | |
Winner | Thomas Edwardson, ETH Zurich |
Runner-up | Michelle Frei, EPFL Lausanne |
Organic Chemistry | |
Winner | Alexandre Leclair, EPFL Lausanne |
Runner-up | Elena Braconi, EPFL Lausanne |
Antonin Clemenceau, University of Basel | |
Tomáš Pastierik, University of Zurich | |
Physical Chemistry | |
Winner | Snaedis Biörgvinsdottir, EPFL Lausanne |
Runner-up | Tereza Schonfeldova, EPFL Lausanne |
Vladimir Gorbachev, ETH Zurich | |
Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces | |
Winner | Jovana Jevric, University of Bern |
Prizes for Winners - certificate and cash contribution of CHF 200.00 Prizes for Runners‘ up |
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Winners of the Best Oral Presentation Awards at the SCS Fall Meeting 2020
In collaboration with Metrohm, SCS offered again the very attractive and prestigious Fall Meeting Best Oral Presentation Award program. Combined with the Best Poster Presentation Awards program this is probably the most highly remunerated award program in the field, and we are very proud and happy to cooperate with our sponsoring partners. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Metrohm for their generous support and congratulate all winners for their fantastic contributions.
Markus Steinke, representative of Metrohm, awarded a total of 17 winners at the end of the SCS Fall Meeting online on August 25, 2020.
Winners of the Best Oral Presentation Awards 2020
Analytical Sciences
Winner: Prince Tiwari, ETH Zurich
Runner-up: Pascal Becker, ETH Zurich
Catalysis Sciences & Engineering
Winner: Maxim Zabilskiy, PSI Villigen
Runner-up: Jaicy Vallapurackal, University of Basel
Computational Chemistry
Winner: Tomislav Begušić, EPFL Lausanne
Runner-up: Stephanie M. Linker, ETH Zurich
Chemistry and the Environment
Winner: Jordan Meyet, ETH Zurich
Runner-up: Michael Zumstein, Eawag, Dübendorf
Inorganic Chemistry
Winner: Pinelopi Moutzouri, EPFL Lausanne
Runner-up: Dorota I. Walicka, University of Zurich
Medicinal Chemistry
Winner: Lluc Farrera Soler, University of Geneva
Organic Chemistry
Winner: Hsin-Hua Huang, University of Basel
Runner-up: Josep Mas-Roselló, EPFL Lausanne
Physical Chemistry
Winner: Mudit Sinhal, University of Basel
Runner-up: Alexander Aster, University of Geneva
Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces
Winner: Claire Meyer, University of Basel
Runner-up: Derek Kiebala, University of Fribourg, Adolphe Merkle Institute
Prizes for Winners - certificate and cash contribution of CHF 500.00 Prizes for Runners‘ up |
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Future Labs Live, Virtual on September 28-29, 2020
Coming to you live, wherever you are!
The world’s most diverse & exciting event for the future of R&D, manufacturing & quality labs. Join this year's virtual edition on September 28th-29th 2020.
The current crisis has further demonstrated the importance of ensuring your labs are truly digital, automated, and connected.
Across 2 days, they will be broadcasting live presentations, in-depth panel discussions, and interviews from practitioners, technicians, scientists, innovators, start-ups, and the vendor across the world. There will be interaction with speakers, networking, Q&A and live virtual roundtable sessions.
Join in from wherever you are online either live or watch the sessions on-demand.
Book Tickets here.
Profit from the 20% discount for SCS members
discount code: HHXP
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Newsletter SCNAT, 08/2020
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News from the Community
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Upcoming Events
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Let's team up for climate action in the Alps!
Are you willing to team up for climate action in the Alps? Do you want to contribute to the climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps vision? Join the matchmaking workshop of the Alpine Climate Board (ACB) to take further steps towards the implementation of the Alpine Climate Target System 2050. Representatives of all sectors of activity in the Alps and from local to cross-border level are invited to embark on the pathways for action. The online conference is taking place on 15th and 16th September 2020. More
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