Clariant Chemistry Day 2018 at Uni Basel, 04.10.2018
Clariant Chemistry Day,
October 4, 2018, 13.00-21.00
Kollegienhaus, University of Basel
Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel
The half-day event, densely packed with interesting presentations reporting the latest achievements, is the frame of the awarding ceremony for the “Clariant CleanTech Award Switzerland”, the “Clariant Chemistry Award at the University of Basel”, and the “Clariant CleanTech Lecture”. The cross-fertilization between industrial and academic research will further strengthen the knowledge base of CleanTech in Switzerland and pave the way to an improved and environmental friendly future.
We hope that you will enjoy your stay at the “Clariant Chemistry Day, University of Basel” and that the event will be the inspiration for numerous innovative solutions.
Registration as participant is possible until September 24, 2018
12.30 | Opening of registration |
13.00 | Welcome message Prof. Torsten Schwede, Vice President for Research at the University of Basel Dr. Martin Vollmer, Chief Technology Officer, Clariant |
13.20 | Dr. Marvin Estenfelder, Head of R&D Business Unit Catalyst, Clariant «Catalysts – Enablers of a more sustainable world» |
13.45 | 1st Clariant CleanTech Award Lecture Dr. Ydna Questell-Santiago, EPFL Lausanne «New routes toward biomass-derived carbohydrates upgrading» |
14.00 | 2nd Clariant CleanTech Award Lecture Dr. Jan-Georg Rosenboom, ETH Zurich «Lord of the Renewable Rings - The Journey towards Rapid Production of Polyethylene Furanoate (PEF) from Cyclic Oligomers» |
14.15 | Poster Session I and Coffee Break |
15.15 | Dr. Markus Rarbach, Head of Business Line Biofuels & Derivatives, Clariant «Value generation from agricultural waste: Clariant Sunliquid™ technology» |
15.30 | Clariant Chemistry Award at the University of Basel Lecture Mr. Rajesh, Mannancherry, University of Basel «Molecular Dynamic Staircases: All-Carbon Axial Chiral “Geländer” Structures» |
15.45 | 3rd Clariant CleanTech Award Lecture Dr. Amita Ummadisingu, EPFL Lausanne «Fundamentals of perovskite formation for photovoltaics» |
16.00 | 4th Clariant CleanTech Award Lecture Mr. Erwin Lam, ETH Zurich «Isolated Zr Surface Sites on Silica Promote Hydrogenation of CO2 to CH3OH in Supported Cu Catalysts» |
16.15 | Poster Session II and Coffee Break |
17.15 | Dr. Tobias Platen, Scientist Competence Center Surfactants & Functional Chemicals, Clariant «Genadvance Hydra - A truly natural hair moisturizer» |
17.30 | Prof. Paul Dyson, EPFL Lausanne «Improving the sustainability of reactions by modifying the environment of the catalyst» |
18.30 | Ceremonies for the CleanTech Awards, Clariant Chemistry Awards and Poster Awards |
18.45 | Conclusion and Closing remark Dr. Alain De Mesmaeker, SCS President Executive member of Clariant |
19.00 | Opening of buffet, network event |
21.00 | End of event |
David Spichiger, SCS
Winners of the Best Poster Presentation Awards at the SCS Fall Meeting 2018
In collaboration with DSM Nutritional Products, SCS offered again the very attractive and prestigious Fall Meeting Best Poster Award program. Combined with the Best Oral Presentation Awards program this is probably the most highly remunerated award program in the field, and we are very proud and happy to cooperate with our sponsoring partners. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to DSM Nutritional Products Ltd for their generous support and congratulate all winners for their fantastic contributions.
Dr. Thomas Netscher, representative of DSM and SCS Senior Industrial Science Award Winner, awarded a total of 22 winners at the end of the SCS Fall Meeting at EPFL Lausanne on September 7, 2018.
Winners of the Best Poster Presentation Awards 2018
Analytical Sciences | |
Winner: | Shang-Jung Wu, EPFL Lausanne |
Runner up: | Charlotte Driesen, Empa |
Catalysis Science & Engineering | |
Winner: | Guido Zichittella, ETH Zurich |
Runner up: |
Christophe Baranowski, EPFL Lausanne |
Maria Bouri, University of Bern | |
Computational Chemistry | |
Winner: | Tiziana Musso, University of Zürich |
Runner up: | Federico Paruzzo, EPFL Lausanne |
Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry | |
Winner: | Philipp Melle, University of Bern |
Runner up: | Viktoriia Morad, ETH Zürich |
Lucius Schmid, University of Basel | |
Medicinal Chemistry | |
Winner: | Rémi Martinent, University of Geneva |
Runner up: | François Halloy, ETH Zürich |
Chemical Biology | |
Winner: |
Rebecca Schäfer, ETH Zurich |
Runner up: | Micael Cunha, University of Bern |
Organic Chemistry | |
Winner: | Daniel Čavlović, University of Zurich |
Runners up: |
Marion Garreau, EPFL Lausanne |
Philipp Seeberger, EPFL Lausanne |
Physical Chemistry | |
Winner: | Jovana Milic, EPFL Lausanne |
Runners up: | Luca Semeria, ETH Zurich |
Maksim Eremchev, EPFL Lausanne | |
Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces | |
Winner: | Chengjun Kang, Zurich University of Applied Sciences |
Runners up: | Yinyin Bao, ETH Zürich |
Diana Hohl, University of Fribourg |
Prizes for Winners - certificate and cash contribution of CHF 250.00 Prizes for Runners‘ up |
Photo: Alain Herzog, EPFL Lausanne
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David Spichiger, SCS
Winners of the Best Oral Presentation Awards at the SCS Fall Meeting 2018
In collaboration with Metrohm, SCS offered again the very attractive and prestigious Fall Meeting Best Oral Presentation Award program. Combined with the Best Poster Presentation Awards program this is probably the most highly remunerated award program in the field, and we are very proud and happy to cooperate with our sponsoring partners. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Metrohm for their generous support and congratulate all winners for their fantastic contributions.
Bruno Winterhalter, representative of Merohm Foundation, awarded a total of 15 winners at the end of the SCS Fall Meeting at EPFL Lausanne on September 7, 2018.
Winners of the Best Oral Presentation Awards 2018
Analytical Sciences | |
Winner: | Kristýna Kantnerová, Empa/ETH Zürich |
Runner up: | Nora Nowak, ETH Zurich |
Catalysis Science & Engineering | |
Winner: | Lucas Foppa, ETH Zürich |
Runner up: | Rajiv Prabhakar, University of Zurich |
Computational Chemistry | |
Winner: | Ganna Gryn'ova, EPFL Lausanne |
Runner up: | Oliver Unke, University of Basel |
Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry | |
Winner: | Christopher Gordon, ETH Zürich |
Runner up: | Sabine Malzkuhn, University of Basel |
Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology | |
Winner: |
Fabio Steffen, University of Zurich |
Organic Chemistry | |
Winner: | Daria Grosheva, EPFL Lausanne |
Runner up: |
Alessandro Castrogiovanni, University of Basel |
Physical Chemistry | |
Winner: | Irina Ritsch, ETH Zurich |
Runner up: | Vít Svoboda, ETH Zurich |
Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces | |
Winner: | Laura Neumann, Adolphe Merkle Institute, Fribourg |
Runner up: | Ahmet Demiroers, ETH Zurich |
Prizes for Winners - certificate and cash contribution of CHF 500.00 Prizes for Runners‘ up |
Photo: Alain Herzog, EPFL Lausanne
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David Spichiger, SCS
BASEL LIFE presenting a first class line up of Scientists
BASEL LIFE, Europe’s leading Life Sciences Congress, is outdoing itself with its second edition.
Visitors can expect an action packed four-day programme focused on the Life Sciences. Only in its second edition, BASEL LIFE is quickly establishing itself as the premier meet up for Europe’s top notch researchers as well as young talents. From 11 – 14 September 2018, come join the cream of the crop in Life Sciences at the Congress Centre Basel, including the Norwegian Neuroscientists and Nobel Prize Winner May-Britt Moser.
The Congress is organised by the European Association for Life Sciences and the European Molecular Biology Organisation with a genius concept. BASEL LIFE is based on 4 pillars: Scientific Congress, Innovation Forum, Exhibition, and Job Fair. The combination of science, technology as well as business and networking opportunities encompasses the needs of the Life Sciences sector. As a host city, Basel is ideal due its established market for the Life Sciences.
EMBO Congress: All About Molecules
This year the EMBO Congress is dedicated to “Molecules in Biology and Medicine”. The programme is proud to present amongst many well-known speakers, the Nobel Prize Winner May-Britt Moser and Cancer Expert Jeffrey Engelmann as keynote speakers. EMBO is also lucky to count Louis- Jeantet Prize Winner Christer Betsholtz and Antonio Lanzavecchia as speakers. To top this all of, the opening event held at the Kunstmuseum Basel will present a fascinating lecture “Art & Science Dialog” with Michael N. Hall of the University Basel and architect, Jacques Herzog of Herzog & Meuron.
Female Empowerment at the Innovation Forums
130 Speakers, 11 Forums, over 100 Talks, and a large selection of Poster presentations build the core base of Innovation Forum. The set up guarantees information and innovations directly from the innovators and scientists.
This year includes an exciting addition, “Women in Science”. This new forum strives to encourage and empower FeMale collaboration to promote cutting-edge research as discussed by an inspiring set of researchers and scientists.
A small sneak preview: Future of personalised healthcare and what this means for women’s health by Estelle Vester-Blokland (Roche, Basel) as well as talks by Bettina Bosch (University of Geneva) and Jane Griffith (Johnson & Johnson, Basel) round off a well selected programme.
MipTec Exhibition: Presenting MipTec Stage
The well-known MipTec Exhibition presents 60 international Exhibitors in a showcase of innovation at its best. In the spirit of innovation, this year’s exhibition presents as its heart: the MipTec Stage.
Located in the centre of the exhibition and surrounded by the Meeting Area, action is key. The MipTec Stage will play host to the EMBO Flash Talks as well as the ceremonies for the Product Innovation Award and Best Poster Award. If this is not reason, enough to drop by the MipTec Stage, then join for the BASEL LIFE Networking Event held on September 12, 2018 from 17.00 – 19.00. It promises to be a wonderful opportunity for MipTec Visitors, EMBO Congress delegates and Speakers to mix and mingle in a relaxed atmosphere.
European Job Fair: Stepping stone to the job market
This one day only Job Fair on September 12, 2018 designed to highlight the diverse job opportunities in the Life Sciences sector. A large selection of companies and institutions will be present to answer questions and introduce themselves to young professionals. If you are a talented scientist with a PHD or PostDoc or a researcher with first working experience- this is the event for you. presents:
DayOne Conference
DayOne is an initiative by in collaboration with the Canton Basel city.
This annual conference is a unique mix of influential speakers, healthcare innovators, patients, and start-ups discussing the future of health care. Topics of discussion include: “Designing the Future of Healthcare- Patients included!”.
DayONE is an official associate event of BASEL LIFE. Everyone is warmly invited to attend the Joint Welcome Apéro on September 11 from 17.00 in the Congress Centre Basel. No entrance fee, but registration is required (limited spaces available). More information is available on the Website.
Simplify Networking with the new APP
Introducing the BASEL LIFE App as the only tool you need for a wonderful congress experience.
Easily browse the scientific programme, and develop your personalised congress schedule. Keeping in touch with colleagues, speakers and other participants has never been easier than with the chat function. The app BASEL LIFE 2018 is available for free download from the APP Store and Google Play at the beginning of September.
More information available at
European Association for Life Sciences Peter Merian-Strasse 80 4002 Basel, Schweiz Administrative Secretariat BASEL LIFE 2018:
Public Relations BASEL LIFE 2018
Christine Kern, T +41 61 261 17 00
ChemPubSoc Europe News, August 2018
Chemistry – A European Journal: Young Chemists Special Issue
Guest-edited by Bruno Pignataro, this second edition of the Young Chemists Special Issuehas been assembled to honor not only the participants of the European Young Chemist Award (EYCA), presented at the 2014 and 2016 EuCheMS Congresses, but also young and emerging scientists from all different fields of chemistry around the world. Enjoy free access until the end of September 2018.
EurJIC and EurJOC: Highlighting the ICIQ in Our New Series: European Institute Feature
EurJIC and EurJOC are introducing European Institute Features! As the first top European institute in this series, the journals are highlighting the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) in Tarragona, Spain, in a joint virtual issue. This issue brings you a collection of high‐quality articles, representative of the excellent research performed at the institute. It is rounded by a Guest Editorial written by the director of the institute, Miquel A. Pericàs, who gives a brief history of the ICIQ and its development over the years.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry: Special Issue on Organofluorine Chemistry in Europe
As part of the ongoing 20th anniversary celebrations, EurJOC is highlighting outstanding work by European researchers. This Special Issue is dedicated to Organofluorine Chemistry in Europe and showcases the state of the art in this field. With contributions from: Gianluca Maria Farinola, Graham Pattison, Thierry Billard, and Ryan Gilmour and many more. Enjoy free access until the end of 2018!
David Spichiger, SCS
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