Amaris, our new corporate member and partner
We are happy and proud to announce a closer collaboration between Amaris AG and the SCS. Amaris joined the SCS as corporate member and will represent the the technologies and management consulting business in our community.
Amaris is an international Technologies and Management Consulting Group with a rapid pace development and innovative solutions for demanding projects. The company’s business consists in supporting its clients in carrying out their projects by acting within their organization to help improve effectiveness and enhance performance.
Amaris’ added value lies in the quality of its teams and their attention to detail, as well as in the way the company capitalizes on their knowhow.
More information:
David Spichiger, SCS
Werner Prize 2018 awarded to Prof. Sandra Luber, University of Zurich
On die occasion of the SCS Spring Meeting dinner, Alain De Mesmaeker, SCS President, awarded the Werner Prize 2018 to Prof. Sandra Luber for outstanding research achievements in her still young career. We like to take the opportunity to congratulate her again and wish all the best for the upcoming research projects.
The ceremony took place in the restaurant Hôtel DuPeyrou on April 6 and the lecture was part of the program of the SCS Spring Meeting 2018.
The SCS awards the Werner Prize 2018 to
Prof. Sandra Luber, Universtiy of Zürich,
for her excellent research accomplishments in the field of theoretical and computational chemistry. Her work covers a wide range of approaches, mostly with emphasis on highly accurate methods derived from quantum mechanics, which she has applied to a wide variety of challenging systems.
List of all winners since 1936
About the Werner Prize
CHF 10'000 and medal in bronze
awarded to a promising young scientist for outstanding independent chemical research
Photos of the dinner and the award ceremony
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David Spichiger, SCS
SCNAT Newsletter, March 2018
Erster Zustandsbericht zur Biodiversität Europas und Zentralasiens
Immer mehr Menschen werden wegen der schwindenden Biodiversität in ihrer Lebensqualität beeinträchtigt. Dies besagt der erste Zustandsbericht vom Weltbiodiversitätsrat (IPBES).
Die Wissenschaft braucht guten Journalismus: Jetzt anmelden!
Wie kann die Wissenschaft guten Journalismus fördern? Fachleute diskutieren den Zustand der Schweizer Medien, neue Ansätze und die Handlungsmöglichkeiten der Wissenschaft.
Kartoffeln effektiv vor Kraut- und Knollenfäule schützen
Pflanzenschutzmittel, resistente Sorten oder alternative Bekämpfungsstrategien: Ein Faktenblatt stellt neue Ansätze vor für den Schutz von Kartoffeln gegen die Kraut- und Knollenfäule vor.
Faktenblatt «Wildtier und Mensch im Naherholungsraum»
In städtischen Naherholungsräumen herrscht Tag und Nacht reger Betrieb. Wildtiere geraten dadurch unter Druck. So sind Rehe in stark frequentierten Gebieten weniger aktiv und für viele Wildtierarten reduziert sich der Lebensraum. Wildruhezonen, eine eingeschränkte Erschliessung und eine Besucherlenkung verbessern die Situation.
Die andere Seite der Videogames
Sie unterhalten, schaffen digitale Pioniere und bringen die Wissenschaft voran: Videogames muss man ernst nehmen. Experten weisen auf die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Branche hin, welche die Filmindustrie in den Schatten stellt, und Schweizer Hochschulen profilieren sich mit Kursen in «Game Design». Mehr dazu in der neuesten Ausgabe des Forschungsmagazins «Horizonte».
Anerkennungspreise für Nachwuchsforscher
An der Tagung «Phil.Alp – die Alpen aus der Sicht junger Forschender» an der Uni Fribourg hat die Interakademische Kommission Alpenforschung (ICAS) die besten Präsentationen ausgezeichnet. Maik Rehnus wurde für seine Dissertation über Schneehasen in Zeiten des Wandels, Markus Staudinger für seine Masterarbeit über Verbissschäden an der Grünerle durch Weidetiere geehrt.
Wasser der Alpen: Gemeingut oder Quelle für Konflikte
Veränderte Umwelt- und Klimabedingungen sowie eine steigende Nachfrage dürften zu Konflikten in der Wassernutzung und Wasserwirtschaft der Alpen führen. Das Forum Alpinum 2018 vom 4. bis 6. Juni in Breitenwang (Österreich) identifiziert Hotspots der Wassernutzung in den Alpen, analysiert Zielkonflikte und diskutiert Lösungsansätze.
Inter- and Transdisciplinarity in a Digital World
Digitalisation is a major societal issue with countless opportunities and challenges. The Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day 2018 held 15 November at EPF Lausanne explores and reflects experiences and visions how digitalisation can be devised for inter and transdisciplinary research and education in a meaningful way.
Increasing fairness and impact of research partnerships
This session on 11 April at the Geneva Health Forum presents two pragmatic tools encouraging the creation and maintenance of responsible and fair research partnerships. Key people representing an international organization and an African country, respectively, will describe the added value of the Research Fairness Initiative and discuss the implementation in their respective situations.
Focus City: Bürgerworkshop zur Stadt der Zukunft
Wie wird die Stadt der Zukunft aussehen? Wie werden wir uns in ihr fortbewegen? In welchen Gebäuden werden wir leben? Wovor müssen wir uns schützen? Am 28. April können Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Bern einen Tag lang über solche Fragen nachdenken und Empfehlungen erarbeiten. Diese werden Fachleuten und Politikern zugestellt.
weitere Aktivitäten der SCNAT
Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
Haus der Akademien | Laupenstrasse 7 | 3008 Bern
Andres Jordi | Tel. 031 306 93 23 |
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EuCheMS Brussels News Updates, March 2018
Hello and welcome to the March edition of BNU – Brussels News Update, the monthly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date with the latest news, events and developments concerning chemical sciences in Europe!
From high-level meetings to consultations, from antimicrobial resistance worries to women and science in the spotlight, the last few weeks have seen an interesting array of developments in the chemical and molecular sciences in Europe. So, scroll down for the latest news, consultations and events! And don’t forget to take a look at the EuCheMS 2017 Year Book for an insighful overview of EuCheMS Professional Networks, policy initiatives, conferences, events and much, much more.
EuCheMS participates in latest High-Level Advisory Group ‘Open Science Policy Platform’ meeting
On 2 March, EuCheMS participated in the fifth high-level roundtable event of the Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP). On the … Read more
EuCheMS responds to consultation on EU funds in the area of investment, research & innovations, SMEs and single market
In light of the upcoming European Commission (EC) proposals for the next generation of financial programmes for the post-2020 Multiannual … Read more
European Commission publishes second REACH review
On 5 March, the European Commission (EC) published the second review of the European Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and … Read more
Women in Science – Latest Eurostat figures
On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, we have looked back at Eurostat figures released last February … Read more
ECDC and EFSA publish report demonstrating continued resistance to antimicrobials
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a new report … Read more
Air quality study detects nano-sized particles of air pollution in children’s urine
The presence on nano-sized particles of air pollution (with a diameter of just 100 nanometers) has for the first time … Read more
Soils can be a net sink of greenhouse gases through storage of organic carbon
A recently published study in Nature Climate Change has indicated that soils can be a net sink of greenhouse gases … Read more
Eurydice publishes new report on Teaching Careers in Europe: Access, Progression and Support
Eurydice, the Education Information Network in Europe has published a new report that aims to guide policy-makers in providing efficient … Read more
Greenhouse Gas Emissions – infographic
Check out this sobering European Parliament infographic on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the EU and the world. Why does this … Read more
Commissioner Moedas talks science, industry and entrepreneurship at EU Industry Day and launches EIC Horizon Prize on Innovative Batteries
On 22 and 23 February, the European Commission (EC) hosted the second edition of the EU Industry Day forum. EC … Read more
Twelve successful women entrepreneurs shortlisted for the EU Prize for Women Innovators 2018
The names of twelve successful women entrepreneurs shortlisted for the EU Prize for Women Innovators 2018 were unveiled by Carlos … Read more
Public consultation on EU rules for products used in the construction of buildings and infrastructure works
The European Commission is consulting on the EU rules for products used in the construction of buildings and infrastructure works. … Read more
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the establishment of the Innovation Fund
The EU emissions trading system (ETS) after 2020 foresees the establishment of the Innovation Fund to accelerate the commercialisation of … Read more
Roadmap on the update of the 2012 Bioeconomy Strategy
In 2017, the European Commission (EC) carried out a review of its 2012 EU Bioeconomy Strategy (SWD(2017)374). The review concluded … Read more
David Spichiger, SCS /
EuCheMS Year Book 2017
The 2017 edition of the EuCheMS Year Book is now online! The Year Book provides an insightful overview of the EuCheMS Professional Networks, policy initiatives, conferences, events and much, much more.
Welcome to the EuCheMS 2017 Yearbook!
> David Cole-Hamilton President, EuCheMS
«It has been a great joy for me to serve as President of EuCheMS for the last 3 years and to meet so many fascinating, generous and highly motivated people.
When I was elected President-Elect in Budapest in 2013, I was warmly welcomed by the whole Executive Board and General Assembly, led by Ulrich Schubert (then President), Franco De Angelis (then Treasurer) and Nineta Hrastelj (Gen- eral Secretary). Since then I have visited many of you in your Member Societies, Divisions and Working Parties and have always been greeted with great affection and support. That is the real strength of EuCheMS. It is a community of chemists from 33 different countries all with different backgrounds, problems and personalities but with a shared commitment to improving chemistry and the lives of chemists in your countries and research areas. It has been a huge privilege to be able to work with you and I am certain that you will give the same warm welcome to Pilar Goya as she starts her term as President and to Eckart Rühl, who has already taken over as Treasurer. [...] »
Read more and download the full pdf issue
Publisher and Copyright
European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) aisbl Rue du Trône 62
1050, Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 289 25 67
The Editors: Nineta Hrastelj, Marta Kucza, Alex Schiphorst
David Spichiger, SCS
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