Call for Nominations for the SCS Awards 2018
As one of our four strategic pillars, SCS awards excellence in science and chemistry respectively and is proud of its renowned award program that goes back to the age of 1936 with the ceremony of the first Werner Prizes to Dr. T. Posternak, Genève, and Prof. G. Schwarzenbach, Zürich.
The society hereby calls for nominations for the 2018 SCS Awards. Nominations have to be submitted electronically to . The deadline for all documents to reach the Swiss Chemical Society is September 30, 2017. For specific award information and required documents please visit our website
Paracelsus Prize
CHF 20’000 and medal in gold
The Paracelsus Prize is awarded to an internationally outstanding scientist for his or her lifetime achievements in chemical research. It is awarded every two years. More information.
Werner Prize
CHF 10’000 and medal in bronze
The Werner Prize is awarded to a promising young Swiss scientist or scientist working in Switzerland for outstanding independent chemical research. At the time of the nomination deadline the candidate ought not to be older than 40 years and may not be a tenured professor or someone holding a managerial position in industry. The prize is awarded annually. More information.
Balmer Prize
CHF 2’000 for individuals and CHF 2’000 for the school’s chemistry department or CHF 3’000 for a group and CHF 1’000 for the school’s chemistry department and medal in bronze.
The Balmer Prize is awarded to a teacher working in Switzerland at high school (gymnasium) level for innovation in chemistry teaching. The innovation must be easily applicable in current teaching and the costs for materials must be modest. The candidate may not make any claim to copyright in the innovation. The prize is awarded annually. More information.
Dr. Max Lüthi Award
CHF 1’000 and medal in bronze
The Dr. Max Lüthi Award is presented for an outstanding diploma thesis in Chemistry conducted at a Swiss University of Applied Sciences. Nominations must be submitted by the head of the Chemistry Department of a Swiss University of Applied Sciences. The prize is awarded annually. More information.
Sandmeyer Award
CHF 10’000 for individuals or CHF 20’000 for groups
The Sandmeyer Prize is awarded to a person – excluding tenured professors – or to a group for outstanding work in industrial or applied chemistry. The work must be completed in Switzerland or with the involvement of a Swiss national. The prize is awarded annually and supported by the Division of Industrial and Applied Chemistry of the SCS. More information.
SISF/SCS Industrial Science Awards
The SISF/SCS Industrial Scientific Awards are given to scientists working in Switzerland that are still working in industrial R&D. More information.
Industrial Investigator Award
Certificate and cash check of CHF 7’000
The award honors successful investigators with outstanding achievements.
Senior Industrial Investigator Award
Certificate and cash check of CHF 10’000
The award honors very successful and established investigators with outstanding achievements over many years.
Distinguished Industrial Investigator Award
Certificate and cash check of CHF 15’000
Rewarded only on decision by the board The award honors senior scientists at the top of their research career for their lifetime achievements.
SCS Awards are sponsored and supported by the SISF:
David Spichiger, SCS
Winners of the Best Oral Presentation Awards at the SCS Fall Meeting 2017
In collaboration with Metrohm AG, SCS offered again the very attractive and prestigious Fall Meeting Best Oral Presentation Award program. Combined with the Best Poster Presentation Awards program this is probably the most highly remunerated award program in the field, and we are very proud and happy to cooperate with our sponsoring partners. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Metrohm for their generous support.
Markus Steinke, representative of Merohm, awarded a total of 13 winners at the end of the SCS Fall Meeting at University of Bern on August 21-22, 2017.
Winners of the Best Oral Presentation Awards 2017
Analytical Sciences | |
Winner: | Martin Gaugg, ETH Zurich |
Runner up: | Kristýna Kantnerová, EMPA/ETH Zürich |
Catalysis Science & Engineering | |
Winner: | Martina Ribar Hestericová, University of Basel |
Runner up: | Andrey Petrov, ETH Zurich |
Computational Chemistry (@STC in Basel) | |
Winner: | Jérôme F. Gonthier, UC Berkley |
Runner up: | Lucas Foppa, ETH Zurich |
Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry | |
Winner: | Marta Falcone, EPF Lausanne |
Runner up: | Fiorella Lucarini, University of Fribourg |
Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology | |
Winner: |
Jacques Saarbach, University of Geneva |
Organic Chemistry | |
Winner: | Andrés García-Domínguez, University of Zurich |
Runners up: |
Cyril Piemontesi, EPF Lausanne |
Physical Chemistry | |
Winner: | Katharina Keller, ETH Zurich |
Runners up: | Lisa Peterhans, University of Fribourg |
Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces | |
Winner: | Francesca Ruggeri, University of Zurich |
Runners up: | Frederik Neuhaus, University of Fribourg |
Prizes for Winners - certificate and cash contribution of CHF 500.00 Prizes for Runners‘ up |
Photo: Matyas Kobrehel
David Spichiger, SCS
Winners of the Best Poster Presentation Awards at the SCS Fall Meeting 2017
In collaboration with DSM Nutritional Products, SCS offered again the very attractive and prestigious Fall Meeting Best Poster Award program. Combined with the Best Oral Presentation Awards program this is probably the most higjly remunerated award program in the field, and we are very proud and happy to cooperate with our sponsoring partners. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to DSM Nutritional Products Ltd for their generous support.
Dr. Roman Imhof, representative of DSM, awarded a total of 22 winners at the end of the SCS Fall Meeting at University of Bern on August 21-22, 2017.
Winners of the Best Poster Presentation Awards 2017
Analytical Sciences | |
Winner: | Lyndsey Hendriks, ETH Zurich |
Runner up: | Valentine Grimaudo, University of Bern |
Marie Kopp, ETH Zurich | |
Catalysis Science & Engineering | |
Winner: | Robbie Warringham, ETH Zurich |
Runner up: | Patrick Hemberger, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen |
Matthias Scharfe, ETH Zurich | |
Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry | |
Winner: | Lorena De Luca, ETH Zurich |
Runner up: | Sabine Malzkuhn, University of Basel |
Nicola Weder, University of Zurich | |
Medicinal Chemistry | |
Winner: | Elinam Gayi, University of Geneva |
Runner up: | Maryline Dong, ETH Zurich |
Chemical Biology | |
Winner: |
Alina Tirla, ETH Zurich |
Runner up: | Raphaël de Matos, EPF Lausanne |
Organic Chemistry | |
Winner: | Cornelius Gropp, ETH Zurich |
Runners up: |
Daria Grosheva, EPF Lausanne |
Le Liu, University of Geneva |
Physical Chemistry | |
Winner: | Halil Okur, EPF Lausanne |
Runners up: | Irina Ritsch, ETH Zurich |
Gustavo Ciardi, University of Zurich | |
Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces | |
Winner: | Sarah-Luise Abram, University of Fribourg |
Runners up: | Joelle Medinger, University of Fribourg |
Jan-Georg Rosenboom, ETH Zurich |
Prizes for Winners - certificate and cash contribution of CHF 300.00 Prizes for Runners‘ up |
Photo: Matyas Kobrehel
David Spichiger, SCS
RÖMPP celebrates its 70th anniversary, 15 years as an online resource, and its 100th update
Since the publication of its first edition 70 years ago, the renowned RÖMPP encyclopedia of chemistry has been a prime knowledge source covering the latest insights in chemistry and related sciences. High-quality content and up-to-date information have always been RÖMPP’s key characteristics. Generations of chemical scientists have relied on the encyclopedia for their groundbreaking work. For 15 years now, RÖMPP has been continued as online encyclopedia with currently 65,000 keywords. The latest update with new content will be the 100th in the history of the digital edition. The board of twelve editors and roughly 250 renowned authors from the fields of science and industry work to ensure that the resource stays continuously up to date and scientifically sound. Thieme Chemistry has celebrated the triple anniversary – 70 years of RÖMPP, 15 years online, and the 100th update – amongst other things, with the participants of the Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting, in Bern on August 21-22, 2017.
We thank all who visited our booth at the SCS Fall Meeting 2017 and took part in our RÖMPP anniversary celebrations and BOOM photo shooting!
Special offer for SCS members to access Römpp.
As part of the collaboration between Thieme and the SCS, we offer to our members access to Römpp at a reduced rate of 175 CHF/y for regular members and 75 CHF/y for student and PhD members. For more details please visit our website.
Thieme, Römpp
Stuttgart, 23.08.2017
SCNAT Newsletter, August 2017
Chemistry Photo Competition 2017
Submit your pictures of chemistry, chemicals, laboratories, samples, etc. Is chemistry funny, beautiful, magic, astonishing, colorful or simply fun?
Show us what chemistry means to you!
Global Eco Film Festival
Die Schweizer Plattform für Filme die ihren Fokus auf Wissenschafts- (alle Disziplinen), Umwelt- und/oder Naturthemen richten.
Auch im Sommer ein Thema: Schnee, Gletscher, Permafrost
In der Schweiz gibt es viele einzigartige Messreihen zur Veränderung von Schnee, Gletschern und Permafrost. Eine Auswahl davon zeigt und erklärt ein neues Themenportal.
Rigi-Workshop 2018: Networks and interactions – from species to communities
Want to learn about biological, evolutionary and social interactions of species? To formulate and model species-interaction concepts? To cross disciplinary borders and share similarities and differences between social and natural sciences?
Register and send abstract of your research and motivation letter before October 15th 2017
SCNAT Ethics Lecture Tours
The «Platform Chemistry» organises lecture tours on the wide-ranging topic of ethics in chemistry. Internationally renowned speakers are invited to give a series of lectures at Swiss universities and federal institutes of technology.
The Chemical Profession: From Scientific Integrity to Social Responsibility
How should we value nature in a human-dominated world?
In her public talk, Prof. Georgina Mace, University College London, will show how the focus of conservation has shifted from preserving biodiversity to maintaining form and function, adaptability and resilience for the future.
ScienceComm’17, 21.–22. September 2017, Solothurn
Die ScienceComm’17 wurde neu konzipiert – partizipative Formate stehen dieses Jahr im Vordergrund. Werfen Sie doch einen Blick in das abwechslungsreiche Programm mit drei Keynote Speakers, die über alternative Fakten und Wissenschaft sprechen werden.
Anmeldung bis zum 10. September
Phil.Alp 2018: Die Alpen aus der Sicht junger Forschender und ProMontesPreis
Anlässlich der Phil.Alp-Tagung am 1. / 2. März 2018 in Fribourg stellen Nachwuchsforschende Ergebnisse aus ihren kürzlich abgeschlossenen Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen vor. Ein Jury prämiert die besten Präsentation in den Kategorien Dissertation und Master. Zudem wird der ProMontesPreis vergeben.
Reichen Sie Ihre Kandidatur bis am 30. Oktober 2017 bei der ICAS ein
International Call for the Post of the Director General of CSRS
The CSRS is a research centre active in the fields of biodiversity, food security, environment and health. Its mission is to initiate, encourage, support and carry out research in partnership for sustainable development in Côte d’Ivoire and West Africa.
Application until 30th September
weitere Veranstaltungen der SCNAT
David Spichiger, SCS
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