EuChemS Magazine, June 2023
Find our monthly compilation of chemistry- and science-related European policy developments in this newsletter! You will also find EuChemS' activities and news here.
Policy News
- Commission Stakeholder Platform schedules Zero Pollution Talks
- Experts participate in hearing about Critical Raw Material act
- EU Research Commissioner Mariya Gabriel hands in resignation
- EFSA scrutinised at ENVI committee meeting
EuChemS News
- New EuChemS Constitution adopted
- MEP Spyraki chairs EuChemS Science Policy workshop on Phosphorus
- Larnaca, Cyprus to host 2023 EuChemS Annual Meetings
- EuChemS Secretary General holds science-policy talk in Switzerland
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Register for free to join Ilmac and Ilmac Conference 2023
Platform for Chemistry, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
September 26–28, 2023, Messe Basel,
Ilmac has its origins in the Swiss trade fair for international laboratory, measurement technology and automation in chemistry, which has been taking place since 1959. Today, the chemical and life science brand connects the industry both physically and digitally.
With the performance promise "Inspiring the Future of Chemistry and Life Sciences", it encourages the development of new ideas and solutions and presents trends and innovations by research and industry in important locations such as Basel and Lausanne.
The SCS, as the initial founder of the fair, is partnering with Messe Schweiz and coordinates the collaboration with society partners and the Universities of Applies Sciences. The SCS and its partner societies, SVC and SBA, are also the official organizer of the Ilmac Conference.Registration for Participants
Register for free as participant with the SCS Promocode: scs-ilmac23.
Link to the Ticket Shop
More information about the Ilmac and the activities of the Swiss Chemical Society are available on
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Basel in late September!
David Spichiger, SCS
EuChemS Magazine, May 2023
Find our monthly compilation of chemistry- and science-related European policy developments in this newsletter! You will also find EuChemS' activities and news here.
Policy News
- 2023 UN convention meetings held on chemicals and waste
- Commission publishes results of Horizon Consultation
- CLP draft report discussed at the European Parliament
- VERITY project launched to promote trust in science
EuChemS News
- The role of Chemicals in our daily life: The Phosphorus element – feeding the world and beyond
- OPCW’S Centre for Chemistry and Technology opened
- 4th Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform Meeting held – EuChemS Participates
- EuChemS contributes to Commission's task force on Circularity
Events & Awards
- NeXT-Chem: Innovative cross-sectoral technologies Exploratory Workshop
- 13th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (13ICHC)
- XIV International School on Organometallic Chemistry Marcial Moreno Mañas (ISOC-MMM2023)
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Scientific Award Program 2024: Call for Nominations
As one of our four strategic pillars, SCS awards excellence in science and chemistry respectively and is proud of its renowned award program that goes back to 1936 with the ceremony of the first Werner Prizes to Dr. T. Postenak, Genève, and Prof. G. Schwarzenbach, Zurich.
The Society opens the call for nominations for the SCS Awards 2024. Nominations have to be submitted electronically to . The deadline for all documents to reach the Swiss Chemical Society is September 30.
Paracelsus Prize
CHF 20 000 and medal in gold awarded to an internationally outstanding scientist for his/her lifetime achievements in chemical research
Werner Prize
CHF 10'000 and medal in bronze. Awarded to a promising young scientist for outstanding independent chemical research.
Sandmeyer Award
CHF 10'000 for individuals or CHF 20'000 for groups. Awarded to a person or to a group for outstanding work in industrial or applied chemistry.
SCS Industrial Science Awards
This program includes awards on three career levels with cash checks of CHF 7'000, 10'000 and 15’000. It honors active industrial scientists working in Switzerland for their outstanding contributions in industrial R&D.
Green & Sustainable Chemistry Award
CHF 10’000. Honors outstanding scientific discoveries that lay the foundation for environmentally friendly approaches and products. It is supported by Syngenta as founding partner and SusChem Switzerland as hosting institution.
Balmer Prize
CHF 2'000 for individuals and CHF 2'000 for the school’s chemistry department or CHF 3'000 for a group and CHF 1'000 for the school’s chemistry department. Awarded to a teacher working in Switzerland at high school (gymnasium) level for innovation in chemistry teaching.
Dr. Max Lüthi Award
CHF 1'000 and medal in bronze. Presented for an outstanding diploma thesis in Chemistry conducted at a Swiss University of Applied Sciences.
CHF 5’000. Honors outstanding contribution to the field of metrology in chemistry and/or biology.
Cancer Drug Discovery Research Award
CHF 10'000 in total for 2-4 winners. The award (supported by RGCC International) honors outstanding scientific achievements of MSc, PhD students or Postdocs from Switzerland that are working in the field of cancer drug discovery research.
Certificate and cash check of CHF 1’500. The prize is for exceptional PhD theses in the field of Medicinal Chemistry and/or Chemical Biology completed at a Swiss University or ETH/EPF
DIAC Fellowship Award
CHF 1'000 and lecture tour in Switzerland. The distinction is granted to distinguished scientists from Industry for significant contributions and innovations over many years in the field of industrial chemistry and chemical process technology in Switzerland.
Thanks to our Supporters
The SCS Award Programs are supported by the SCS Prize Funds, Novartis, Roche and Syngenta and the SCS Partnership Companies.
David Spichiger, SCS
Call for Nominations: Chemistry Europe Fellows 2023
The Chemistry Europe Fellows Program was established in 2015 by the Chemistry Europe Presidents and Representatives to recognize members of the Chemistry Europe societies for their outstanding achievements and contributions to Chemistry Europe and their service to at least one member society.
The program is established to foster the identity of Chemistry Europe within continental Europe but is not limited to that continent. It is the highest honor given by Chemistry Europe.
Fellows receive a certificate and retain the designation as Chemistry Europe Fellow for life. The list of all Swiss based Fellows as well as the link to all Fellows is available on the SCS CE Fellow Website.
The Chemistry Europe Fellows will be announced and honored at the biannual EuChemS conference or during appropriate national meetings in the years in-between.
If you would like to nominate someone, please fill in the form before September 30, 2023. Self-nominations are not accepted.
More information:
David Spichiger, SCS
Karl Gademann, Swiss Representative in Chemistry Europe, UZH
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