Call for SPICA 2012
International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques Last week before abstract submission deadline for Oral Communication!ISMC 2012: Deadline for Abstract Submission approaching
22nd International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, EFMC-ISMC 2012 Berlin, Germany - September 2-6, 2012Read more: ISMC 2012: Deadline for Abstract Submission approaching
Noch freie Plätze in Analytik-Ausbildungskursen
Sichern Sie sich Ihren Ausbildungsplatz in einem der zahlreichen DAC Ausbildungskursen. Total 30 Kurse bieten noch Plätze an.Frank Glorius wins the Springer Heterocyclic Chemistry Award
Springer’s new award for outstanding achievement in the field of heterocyclic chemistry has been given to Frank Glorius from the University of Münster, Germany.Read more: Frank Glorius wins the Springer Heterocyclic Chemistry Award
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