Ausschreibung der Prix Schläfli 2012
Im Rahmen ihrer Nachwuchsförderung schreibt die Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz jährlich in wechselnden Bereichen einen Preis für Nachwuchsforscher aus.Workshop: Exploring the Potential of Graphene, March 8, 2012
The meeting will provide lucid information on some of the extraordinary physical and chemical properties of the material, followed by a brief layout of the planned EU Flagship initiatives program.Read more: Workshop: Exploring the Potential of Graphene, March 8, 2012
EuCheMS News Update, January 2012
Topics: General European Highlights Funding update, Cosultations and Business update Forthcoming eventsNewsletter Swiss Scientific Olympiads (Jan 2012)
Please find attached the latest news about the Swiss Scientific Olympiads.Announcement of the «SCNAT/SCS Chemistry Travel Awards 2012»
The award includes 40 contribution of CHF 750 towards the cost of active participation at an international conference.Read more: Announcement of the «SCNAT/SCS Chemistry Travel Awards 2012»
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