SCS Scientific Award Program 2023: Call for Nominations
The call for nominations for the SCS Awards 2023 is open until September 30, 2022.
Please visit our Website for further details and hand in nominations electronically to
Werner Prize
CHF 10'000 and medal in bronze. Awarded to a promising young scientist for outstanding independent chemical research.
Sandmeyer Award
CHF 10'000 for individuals or CHF 20'000 for groups. Awarded to a person or to a group for outstanding work in industrial or applied chemistry.
SCS Industrial Science Awards
This program includes awards on three career levels with cash checks of CHF 7'000, 10'000 and 15’000. It honors active industrial scientists working in Switzerland for their outstanding contributions in industrial R&D.
Green & Sustainable Chemistry Award
CHF 10’000. Honors outstanding scientific discoveries that lay the foundation for environmentally friendly approaches and products. It is supported by Syngenta as founding partner and SusChem Switzerland as hosting institution.
Grammaticakis-Neumann Award
CHF 5’000. The Prize is awarded to a promising young scientist for outstanding accomplishments in the field of experimental or theoreticalphotochemistry.
Balmer Prize
CHF 2'000 for individuals and CHF 2'000 for the school’s chemistry department or CHF 3'000 for a group and CHF 1'000 for the school’s chemistry department. Awarded to a teacher working in Switzerland at high school (gymnasium) level for innovation in chemistry teaching.
Dr. Max Lüthi Award
CHF 1'000 and medal in bronze. Presented for an outstanding diploma thesis in Chemistry conducted at a Swiss University of Applied Sciences.
Simon-Widmer Award
CHF 5’000. Honors distinguished scientists for their contribution to analytical science and the education of analytical scientists.
CHF 5’000. Honors outstanding contribution to the field of metrology in chemistry and/or biology.
Cancer Drug Discovery Research Award
CHF 10'000 in total for 2-4 winners. The award (supported by RGCC International) honors outstanding scientific achievements of MSc, PhD students or Postdocs from Switzerland that are working in the field of cancer drug discovery research.
Certificate and cash check of CHF 1’500. The prize is for exceptional PhD theses in the field of Medicinal Chemistry and/or Chemical Biology completed at a Swiss University or ETH/EPF
DIAC Fellowship
CHF 1'000 and lecture tour in Switzerland. The distinction is granted to distinguished scientists from Industry for significant contributions and innovations over many years in the field of industrial chemistry and chemical process technology in Switzerland.
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Fall Meeting 2022: Call for Abstracts open until June 5, 2022
The SCS Fall Meeting is the major regularly organized event of the Swiss Chemical Society and one of the largest annual research conferences in Switzerland. For decades, the SCS Fall Meeting has been a great platform for young chemists trained in Switzerland to present their research - often for the first time ever at a major conference - and to be inspired by the people they meet there.
SCS Fall Meeting 2022
University of Zurich, Irchel Campus
September 8, 2022, 08.30-18.30h
The Scientific Program offers Award Lectures presented by leaders in their respective fields, as well as invited and contributed lectures in nine thematic sessions covering most areas of chemical sciences. For each of these thematic sessions there will also be a poster session. We expect a total of more than 100 oral contributions and more than 400 posters.
> Apply for a Short Talk (15min) or a Poster Presentation (A0 format) in one of the nine sessions by submitting your abstract after the registration.
Participation and abstract submission is free of charge for SCS members.
Program Highlights
- Two plenary sessions with lectures of four SCS prize winners 2022
- Nine thematic parallel sessions with keynote lectures and 15min PhD presentations
- Poster Session during the Lunch Break
- Best oral and best poster presentation award ceremony
- Commercial Exhibition
Topics of the Parallel Sessions are
- Analytical Sciences
- Catalysis Science & Engineering
- Computational Chemistry
- Chemistry and the Environment
- Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology
- Organic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces
Fall Meeting Chairs 2022
- Prof. Roger Alberto
- Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi
David Spichiger, SCS
Short Review and Photos of the SCS Spring Meeting 2022
On Friday, April 22, 2022, the SCS Spring Meeting took place at Sciences II, University of Geneva. The local organizers, Prof. Nicolas Winssinger, Prof. Stefan Matile and Prof. Sascha Hoogendoorn, all from University of Geneva, put together a fantastic program and invited leaders from all over the world to talk on the topic «Biosupramolecular Chemistry».
Organizers, speakers, the SCS Board members and invited guests already met on the eve of the event for the symposium dinner at Café Papon in the old town of Geneva. It was a perfect start into the event that continued on Friday morning with a welcome coffee and the morning session. More than 150 participants joined the lectures of Chris Hunter, Cambridge University, Helma Wennemers, ETH Zurich, Andreas Herrmann, Firmenich SA and Fabian von Rohr, University of Zürich (Werner Prize Winner 2022).
After Lunch, during the General Assembly of the Society, Christian Bochet and David Spichiger reported on the SCS activities 2021 and gave an outlook to 2022 and 2023. The afternoon lectures were given by Hanadi Sleiman, McGill University, Wilhelm Huck, Radboud University, Dean Toste, UC Berkeley and Don Hilvert, ETH Zurich.
The aperitif in the entrée of the Sciences II building rounded up a fantastic event and we were happy to organize an on-site SCS Spring Meeting after a cancellation in 2020 and an online event in 2021.
Many thanks to the speakers for their great talks and as special thanks again to the local organizers and their team.
Enjoy the photos of the event by clicking on the pics below.
David Spichiger, SCS
Financial Statement 2021 and SCS General Assembly 2022
The Board of Directors invites all members of the Swiss Chemical Society and the delegates of its associated societies to join the 32nd General Assembly, which takes place tomorrow at the SCS Spring Meeting 2022.
SCS General Assembly 2022
April 22, 2022, 13.30–14.00h (Lunch break of the SCS Spring Meeting 2022).
University of Geneva, Science II, 30 Quai Ernest-Ansermet, Geneva
Please note:
The Financial statement 2021 incl. audit report (a summary of the financial statement 2021 and the asset allocation per network and funds) is now available for members on this website. (login required)
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS)
Prof. Christian Bochet, President
David Spichiger, Executive Director
Céline Wittwer, SCS
ScienceComm'22: Register now!
22 Juni 2022
Naturhistorisches Museum Bern
The annual conference ScienceComm brings together Swiss science communication experts and offers them a platform for exchanging views and information. The conference is intended for representatives of higher education institutions, science festivals, press and public relations offices, the arts, museums and institutes of education as well as science journalists and politicians involved in education policies. A different inspiring venue and main topics are chosen each year. The conference has succeeded in establishing itself in the space of five years, attracting about 200 participants on average. It offers a programme rich in variety, both in terms of content and methods, including well-known keynote speakers from Switzerland and abroad as well as an evening programme.
The thematic focus areas are the tension between science and democracy, health and data visualization.
We are particularly pleased to announce Didier Trono, virologist at EPFL and former member of the Covid-19 Science Task Force, as the keynote speaker. He will share his rich experience in communication at the intersection of science, society and policy, and his ideas for future health and science communication.
Through the collaboration with the Agora funding instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation, the exchange between researchers and communicators will also be promoted at ScienceComm'22. Once again, the Optimus Agora prize will be awarded during the congress, and two exciting panel discussions will take place. There will also be a supporting program in the Museumsquartier in Bern.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
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