3nd Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium, SICS 2020 (online)
Start Date | 30.10.2020 - 08:30 |
Event End | 30.10.2020 - 18:30 |
Location | Zoom Meeting |
The SICS is a one-day symposium with lectures and short talks of industrial chemists working in R&D in Switzerland. The symposium offers a unique platform for industrial scientists, working in research and process research, to present their latest results, to interact with each other and to network with professors, PhD students and other scientific staff of Swiss universities.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Dr. Stefanie Flohr & Dr. Philipp Lustenberger, Novartis, «LNP023 / iptacopan: Discovery and Synthesis Development of a First-in-Class, Oral Factor B Inhibitor for the Treatment of Rare Renal and Hematological Diseases»
- Dr. Sarah Sulzer, Syngenta, «Sustainable Crop Protection Solutions»
- Dr. Marc Liniger, Givaudan, «A Sea Breeze of Novel Fragrant Indanyl Aldehydes»
- Dr. Vijay Pattabiraman, Bright Peak Therapeutics, «Designer Protein Therapeutics»
- Dr. Jonathan Medlock, DSM, «New Routes to Old Molecules: Improving the Synthesis of some Water Soluble Vitamins»
- Dr. Steffen Eller, Chemspeed. «Gamification of Research & Development»
- Dr. Florian Bächle, Solvias, «The Power of Applied Chemocatalysis»
- Dr. Cornelia Zumbrunn, Idorsia, «Antibacterial drug discovery today: more than “just” scientific challenges. The discovery of topoisomerase inhibitor ACT-452051»
- Dr. Francesco Santoro, Firmenich, «Process Research and Industrialization of a powerful coconut-scented fragrance ingredient using safe and economical Hydroboration and Homogeneous Catalytic Dehydrogenation»
- Dr. Thierry Jousseaume, Johnson&Johnson, «Asymmetric Synthesis of Esketamine»
- Dr. Radka Snajdrova, Novartis, «Discovery and applications of enzymes in the synthesis of drugs and drug candidates»
- Dr. Georg Wuitschik, Roche, «ChemPager and how to make 37kg of RG7834»
- Dr. Reto Naef, Topadur, «NO to aging and cancer»
- Dr. Maud Reiter, Firmenich and Dr. Edouard Godineau, Syngenta, «SusChem Switzerland: Organization, Strategy and Focus Topics»
Chairman and Programm Coordinator
Thomas Heinz
Head Chemical Development Unit CDU CH2
Novartis Pharma AG, Werk St. Johann
CH-4002 Basel
Phone +41 61 3242653