3nd Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium, SICS 2020 (online)

3nd Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium, SICS 2020 (online)

With regards to the Covid-19 situation and the uncertainty to organize onsite events in October 2020, we decided to organize an online symposium. The health and safety of our community members are our first concern and therefore we hope that you support our approach.

Start Date 30.10.2020 - 08:30
Event End 30.10.2020 - 18:30
Location Zoom Meeting

The SICS is a one-day symposium with lectures and short talks of industrial chemists working in R&D in Switzerland. The symposium offers a unique platform for industrial scientists, working in research and process research, to present their latest results, to interact with each other and to network with professors, PhD students and other scientific staff of Swiss universities.

Flyer SICS'20

Confirmed Speakers:


Chairman and Programm Coordinator
Thomas Heinz
Head Chemical Development Unit CDU CH2
Novartis Pharma AG, Werk St. Johann
CH-4002 Basel
Phone +41 61 3242653 