SCS Spring Meeting 2010: «Functional Nanostructures – From Condensed Phases to Surfaces»

Spring Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society 2010.

Start Date 10.02.2010 - 09:30
Event End 10.02.2010 - 17:15
Location Universität Bern, Departement für Chemie und Biochemie

«Functional Nanostructures – From Condensed Phases to Surfaces»

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Frank Würthner, University of Würzburg, «Dye Assemblies for Supramolecular Electronics and Photonics»
  • Klaus Kern, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, «Atomic Scale Measurements and Control in Nanochemistry»
  • Nadrian C. Seeman, New York University, «DNA: Not Merely the Secret of Life»
  • David Schiffrin, University of Liverpool, «Synthesis and Fuznctional Properties of Nanoparticles as Unique Building Blocks in Chemistry, Physics and Biology»



Prof. Thomas Wandlowski
Prof. Silvio Decurtins
Dr. Peter Broekmann