Swiss Chemistry Science Night 2024

Swiss Chemistry Science Night 2024

The evening will be a celebration of discovery and innovation in the chemical sciences.

Start Date 20.09.2024 - 17:00
Event End 20.09.2024 - 23:00
Location Casino Bern
Grosser Saal + Foyer Süd, Casinoplatz 1, 3011 Bern

This annual gala event celebrates discoveries and innovations in the chemical sciences and recognizes outstanding achievements by members of our community.

The event honors the laureates of the 2024 SCS Awards in front of renowned personalities from industry and science as well as representatives from politics and the media and offers a unique platform for exchange. 

17.00  Aperitif
18.00  Opening and Welcome Messages: 
               Christian Bochet, SCS President
               Benoît Dubuis, President of SATW
18.25  Success stories from innovative Startups: 
               Obiotec, UniteLabs, Godbot, BLOOM
               Moderated by Agnes Zoller, InnoGrant Advisors
19.00  Celebration of the SCS Award Winners 2024, part 1
19.15  Dinner
20.30  SCS fun quiz
               Celebration of the SCS Award Winners 2024, part 2
22.00  Dessert and coffee
23.00  Official end

Moderated by Rachel Hevey, University of Basel and co-chair of the Swiss Women in Chemistry Network and Stefan Abele, Pharvaris and member of the Board of the Division Industrial & Applied Chemistry.

Participation is on invitation only. However, individual tickets can be purchased for CHF 250. Please ask at the SCS office if there are still places available.

> Download the Flyer

David Spichiger, Executive Director
Swiss Chemical Society