SCS Lectureship Awards
SCS Lectureship Tours
Approved Tours 2025
Prof. Anat Milo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, ISR
Research interests: physical organic chemistry that combines experimental, computational, and statistical strategies to identify design principles behind molecular functionality, reactivity, and selectivity
Mon, April 7: University of Zurich (host: Prof. Ilija Coric, Prof. Karl Gademann and ETHZ co-host, Prof. Helma Wennemers)
Tue, April 8, University of Basel (host: Prof. Konrad Tiefenbacher)
Wed, April 9, University of Bern (host: Prof. Dmitry Katayev)
Thu, April 10, University of Fribourg (host: Prof. Christian Bochet)
Fri, April 11, EPFL Lausanne (host: Prof. Philippe Schwaller)
Mon, April 14, University of Geneva (host: Prof. Jérôme Lacour)
Tour organizer: Prof. Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva
Prof. Tehshik Yoon, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Research interests: use of photochemistry to assemble otherwise unaccessible structures with precise stereocontrol
Tour dates: May 19-23, 2025
Mon, May 19: University of Zürich (host: Prof. Ilija Coric)
Tue, May 20: University of Basel (host: Prof. Olivier Baudoin)
Wed, May 21: University of Bern (host: Prof. Dmitry Katayev)
Thu, May 22: EPFL Lausanne (host: Prof. Jieping Zhu)
Fri, May 23: University of Geneva (host: Prof. Jerome Lacour)
Tour organizer: Prof. Olivier Baudoin, University of Basel
Prof. Yamuna Krishnan, University of Chicago, USA
Research interests: quantitative chemical imaging in living systems
Tour dates: September 8-16, 2025
Tour organizer: Prof. Beat Fierz, EPFL Lausanne
Prof. Laura Kiessling, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Research interests: chemical biology to elucidate the biological roles of carbohydrates, with a focus on learning new mechanistic concepts
Tour organizer: Prof. Nina Hartrampf, University of Zürich
Prof. Stefan Hecht, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
Research fields: Macromolecular and supramolecular systems and their assembly/integration into materials
Lecture title: «Illuminating Materials, Devices, and Manufacturing with Photoswitches»
Tour dates: March 11-15, 2024
Tour organizier: Prof. Stefan Salentinig, University of Fribourg
Tour Program, Prof. Stefan Hecht (pdf)
Prof. Jonas C. Peters, California Institute of Technology (USA)
Research fields: Inorganic Synthesis, Reaction Chemistry, and Mechanistic Studies
Tour dates: March 18-22, 2024
Tour organizier: Prof. Marinella Mazzanti, EPFL Lausanne
Tour Program, Prof. Jonas C. Peters (pdf)
Prof. Kazuaki Ishihara, Nagoya University (Japan)
Research field: development of catalytic organic reactions and processes directed towards green chemistry
Tour dates: April 8-12, 2024
Tour organizier: Prof. Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva
Tour Program, Prof. Kazuaki Ishihara (pdf)
Charlotte Williams, University of Oxford (UK)
Research fields: homogenous catalysis and polymer chemistry, including the use of bimetallic compounds as catalysts to maximise performances and selectivities.
Tour dates: June 3-7, 2024
Tour organizier: Prof. Eva Hevia, University of Bern
Tour Program, Prof. Charlotte Williams (pdf)
Prof. Kyoko Nozaki, The University of Tokyo (Japan)
Research fields: new reactions mediated by homogeneous catalysis for organic and polymer synthesis
Tour dates: October 14-28, 2024
Tour organizier: Prof. Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva
Tour Program, Prof. Kyoko Nozaki (pdf)
Prof. Motomu Kanai, University of Tokyo (Japan)
«Catalytic C-H functionalization of hydrocarbons and proteins: dehydrogenation, C-C bond-formation, and amyloid degradation»
Tour dates:27.-31.03.2023
Tour organizier: Prof. Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva
Prof. Hideki Yorimitsu, Kyoto University (Japan)
«Aromatic Metamorphosis: Breaking Aromaticity to Construct New Cyclic Systems»
«Reductive Metalation of Unsaturated Bonds by Taming Radical Anions»
Tour dates: 24.04-28.04.2023
Tour organizier: Prof. Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva
«A Physical Scientist in Search of Simplicity. From Interstellar Chemistry to Single Molecule Biophysics»
Tour dates: April 25 - May 2, 2023
Tour organizer: Prof. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel
«Application of Chemoinformatics and Machine Learning to Enantioselective Catalysis»
Tour dates: September 18-22, 2023
Tour organizier: Prof. Jeff Bode, ETH Zurich
SCS Lectureships - Program 2022
«Synthesis & Electronic Delocalization in Pi-Conjugated Nanorings» (Talk A)
«Approaches to the Synthesis of New Carbon Allotropes» (Talk B)
Tour dates: 04.-08.04.2022
Tour organizier: Prof. Michal Juríček, University of Zurich
Prof. Jennifer Field, Oregon State University (USA)
«Advancing Environmental Forensics of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances»
Tour dates: 30.05.-03.06.2022
Tour organizer: Prof. Walter Giger, ETH Zurich/Eawag
Prof. Edward I. Solomon, Stanford University (USA)
«Activating Metal Sites for Biological Electron Transfer »
«Geometric and Electronic Structural Contributions to Fe/O2Reactivity: Correlations between metalloenzyme and heterogeneous catalysis»
Tour dates: 10.10-14.10.2022
Tour organizer: Prof. Christophe Copéret, ETH Zürich
Tour organizer: Prof. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel
Cancelled Tours
Prof. Abby Doyle, Princeton University (USA)
Research topics: Organic synthesis, organometallic catalysis, and physical organic chemistry
Tour organisier: Dr. Andreas Marzinzik, Novartis
Prof. Mark S. Taylor, University of Toronto (CAN)
Research topics: Synthetic methodology, asymmetric catalysis, supramolecular and materials chemistry
Tour Organizer: Prof. Clément Mazet, EPFL Lausanne
Prof. Daniel G. Nocera, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (USA)
Tour organisier: Prof. Greta Patzke, University of Zurich
SCS Lectureships - Program 2021
Prof. Darren Dixon, Oxford University (UK)
«New Broad Scope Strategies for Amine and Complex Natural Products Synthesis»
Tour dates: 11.-15.10.2021
Tour Organizer: Prof. O. Baudoin, University of Basel
SCS Lectureships - Program 2020
Prof. Andrei Yudin, University of Toronto (CAN)
«The dark side of conformational analysis»
Tour dates: February 17-21, 2020
Tour organizer: Prof. Ch. Sparr, University of Basel
All other Lectureship tours that were planned from March to December 2020 had to be cancelled and/or rescheduled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic:
- Prof. Darren Dixon, Oxford University (UK)
- Prof. Edward I. Solomon, Stanford University (USA)
- Prof. David Nesbitt, JILA and University of Colorado, Boulder
- Prof. Jennifer Field, Oregon State University (USA)
- Prof. Abby Doyle, Princeton University (USA)
SCS Lectureships - Program 2019
The following Lectureship tours are approved for 2019:
Prof. David J. Craik, University of Queensland, Australia«Discovery and applications of cyclic peptides in drug design»
Tour dates: January 14-22, 2019
Tour organizer: Dr. Fabien Cougnon, University of Geneva
Prof. Robin Perutz, University of York, UK
«Photochemistry of metal hydride complexes inside an NMR spectrometer: Breaking the speed limits of NMR»
«Hydrogen bonding and halogen bonding to transition metal complexes»
Tour dates: April 23 - May 2, 2019
Tour organizer: Prof. Christoph Copéret, ETH Zurich
Prof. Richard Saykally, University of California, Berkeley, US «Hydrogen Bond Network Rearrangement Dynamics in Water Clusters: Dramatic Effects of Librational Excitation on Hydrogen Bond Tunneling Rates»
«Probing Complex Interfaces(Review of the methods we employ, including "DUV SHG, XAS, soft X-ray SHG with FELs)»
«Selective Adsorption of Ions to Aqueous Interfaces: Towards a Complete Mechanism»
Tour dates: May 6-10, 2019
Tour organizer: Prof. Rainer Beck, EPF Lausanne
Prof. Thomas Ternes, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, Germany
«Analytical methods for emerging contaminants: advanced tools to understand environmental and technical processes.»
Tour dates: May 13-15, 2019 (lectures in Geneva and Lausanne are cancelled)
Tour organizer: Dr. Marc Suter, Eawag Dubendorf
Prof. Takashi Ooi, Nagoya University, Japan
«Molecular Design of Organic Ions for Asymmetric Catalysis»
«Behavior of Molecules: From Catalysis to Biological Functions»
Tour dates: May 20-24, 2019
Tour organizer: Prof. Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva
Prof. Gary Siuzdak, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA «Discovering Metabolites that Alter Physiology, an Omics Perspective»
Tour dates: May 27-31, 2019
Tour organizer: Prof. Nicola Zamboni, ETH Zurich
Prof. Sarah E. Reisman, California Institute of Technology, US
«Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Natural Products and the Chemistry They Inspire»
Tour dates: September 9-13, 2019
Tour organizer: Dr. Andreas Marzinzik, Novartis, Basel
Prof. Donna Blackmond, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, US
«Explaining Mechanistic Anomalies in Organocatalysis: “Downstream Intermediates” and a New Paradigm for Stereocontrol»
«Symmetry Breaking and Asymmetric Amplification via Autocatalytic Self-Replication»
«Physical Models for the Origin of Biological Homochirality»
Tour dates: October 7-11, 2019
Tour organizer: Prof. Martin Quack, ETH Zurich
SCS Lectureships - Program 2018
Prof. Scott J. Miller, Yale University, USA«Searching for Selective Catalytic Reactions in Complex Molecular Environments»
Tour date: 26.02.-05.03.2018
Tour organizier: Prof. Christof Sparr, University of Basel
Prof. Masayuki Inuoe, The University of Tokyo, Japan
«Radical-Based Approach for Synthesis of Complex Natural Products»
Tour date: 7.-15.05.2018
Tour organizier: Prof. Jieping Zhu, EPF Lausanne
Prof. Frank Neese, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim an der Ruhr, GER «Ab-initio Ligand Field Theory and Magnetism of d- and f-Elements»«Insight into the Water Oxidizing Cluster in Photosystem II»
«Insight into CO2-Activation»
«Reactivity of High-Valent Non-Heme Iron Centers»
Tour date: 14.-18.05.2018
Tour organizer: Prof. Thomas Bally, University of Fribourg
Dr. Eng. Zhaomin Hou, Riken Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Japan«Search for new catalysts for efficient and selective chemical transformations»
Tour date: 28.05.-04.06.2018
Tour organizier: Prof. E. Peter Kündig, University of Geneva
Prof. Craig Crews, Yale University, USA
«PROTAC-mediated Protein Degradation: The chemical equivalent of siRNA»
Tour date: 18.06.-22.06.2018
Tour organizier: Prof. Dennis Gillingham, University of Basel
Prof. Scott Snyder, University of Chicago
«Strategies and tactics for the rapid synthesis of molecular complexity»
Tour date: 10.-17.09.2018
Tour organizier: Prof. Christian Bochet, University of Fribourg
Prof. John R. Yates, The Scripps Research Institute, USA
«Understanding the molecular defect in cystic fibrosis using mass spectrometry and proteomics»
Tour date: 17.-24.10.2018
Tour organizier: Prof. Renato Zenobi, ETH Zurich
Prof. Masahiro Murakami, Kyoto University, Japan
«Life-Long Focus on Four-Membered Rings»
Tour date: 28.10.-02.11.2018
Tour organizier: Prof. Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva
SCS Lectureships - Program 2017
«Thermodynamics and Molecular Recognition: From Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry to Crystal Polymorphism»
Tour date: 13.-17. March 2017
Tour organizer: Prof. Katharina Fromm, University of Fribourg
«Life on the “D” side: D-amino acid signaling in the brain» and
«The chemical characterization of the brain: from new measurement tools to new neurochemical insights»
Tour date: 20.-24. March 2017
Tour organizer: Prof. Renato Zenobi, ETH Zurich
Dr. Xiaoguang Lei, Beijing
«Complex Natural Product as a Driving Force for Discovery in Organic Synthesis and Chemical Biology» and
«Tightly Linking Chemistry and Biology through Covalent Bonds»
Tour date: 27.-31. March 2017
Tour organizer: Prof. Nicolas Winssinger, University of Geneva
Associate Prof. Ryan Shenvi, The Scripps Research Institute, USA
«Chemical Synthesis of Secondary Metabolites»
Tour date: 08.-12. May 2017
Tour organizer: Karl Gademann, University of Zurich
Prof. Jonathan Ellmann, Yale University, USA
«C-H Functionalization for the Efficient Assembly and Elaboration of Heterocyclic Compounds»
Tour date: 15.-19. May 2017
Tour organizer: Dr. Andreas Marzinzik, Novartis
Prof. Cathy Crudden, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
«Metal catalysts, clusters and surfaces: From the synthesis of chiral bio-molecules to carbon-based self assembled monolayers»
Tour date: 02-09. October 2017
Tour organizier: Jeffrey Bode, ETH Zurich
Prof. Cynthia Burrows, The University of Utah, USA
«The Epigenetics of Guanine: From chemistry to biology with guanine oxidation»
Tour date: 16.-20. October 2017
Tour organizer: Prof. Thomas Bally, University of Fribourg
Prof. Frank Neese, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim an der Ruhr, GER
«Reactivity of high-valent nonheme iron centers»
«Insight into the water oxidizing cluster in Photosystem II»
«Insight into CO2 activation»
«Insight into the water oxidizing cluster in Photosystem II»
«Ab initio ligand field theory and magnetism of d- and f-elements»
Tour date: 13.-17. November 2017
The tour is cancelled and an alternative date in 2018 will be defined.
Tour organizer: Prof. Thomas Bally, University of Fribourg
Prof. Sir Richard Friend, University of Cambridge, UK
«Molecular semiconductors for LEDs and solar cells: designing around the Coulomb interaction»
«New semiconductors and new architectures for LEDs and solar cells»
Tour date: 20.-24. November 2017
Tour organizer: Prof. Majed Chergui, EPF Lausanne
Prof. Shiki Yagai, Chiba University, Japan
«Figuration of Supramolecular Polymers with Spontaneous Curvature»
Tour date: 11.-15. December 2017
Tour organizier: Prof. Bruno Therrien, University of Neuchatel
Prof. F. Fleming Crim, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
«The Influence of Vibrations on Reactions in Gases and Liquids»
Tour date: 21. September - 21. November 2017
Tour organizier: Prof. Martin Quack, ETH Zurich
SCS Lectureships - Program 2016
Prof. Gregory Scholes, Princeton University (US)
«Coherent Energy Transfer in Photosynthetic Light Harvesting»
Host: Natalie Banerji, University of Fribourg
Tour date: 14. - 18. March 2016
Prof. Michinori Suginome, Kyoto University (JP)
«New Catalytic and Chiroptical Functions of Chirality-Switchable Helical Macromolecules»
Host: Clément Mazet, University of Geneva
Tour date: 09. - 16. May 2016
Prof. Michael Gottfried, Philipps-Universität Marburg (DE)
«Organometallic and coordination chemistry on surfaces»
Host: Karl-Heinz Ernst von der EMPA
Tour date: 06. - 10. June 2016
Prof. Justin du Bois, Stanford University, California (US)
«The Molecular Mystique of Nature’s Poisons», «Chemical Approaches to the Study of Ion Channels»
Host: Olivier Baudoin, University of Basel
Tour date: 14. - 21. June 2016
Prof. Jeffrey Johntson, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN (US)
«New Catalysts, Methods, and Strategies that Enable Therapeutic Development and On-Demand Natural Product Total Synthesis»
Host: Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva
Tour date: 05. - 09. September 2016
Prof. Richard N. Zare, Stanford University, California (US)
«Microdroplet Chemistry»
Host: Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel
Tour date: 12. - 16. September 2016
Prof. Keisuke Suzuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP)
«Lessons from Complex Natural Product Synthesis: Polyphenol Monomers, Oligomers and Hybrids»
Host: Clément Mazet, University of Geneva
Tour date: 03. - 11. October 2016
SCS Lectureships - Program 2015
Prof. Eric T. Kool, Stanford University (US)
Lecture Title: «Designer DNA Bases: Probing Molecules and Mechanisms in Biology»
Host: Prof. Nicolas Winssinger, University of Geneva
Prof. Graham Cooks, Purdue University (US)
Lecture Title: «Mass Spectrometry for Medical Diagnostics, Organic Synthesis and Materials Fabrication»
Host: Prof. Christophe Copéret, ETH Zurich
Prof. Guy Bertrand, University of Califormina (US)
Lecture Title: «Stable carbenes and related species: Powerful tools in organic, inorganic and organometallic chemistry»
Host: Prof. Hansjörg Grützmacher, ETH Zurich
Prof. Kenichiro Itami, Nagoya University (JP)
Lecture Title: «C-H Activation Catalysis for Carbon Materials and Plant/Animal Biology»
Host: Prof. Georg Süss-Fink, University of Neuchâtel
Prof. Tristan Lambert, Columbia University
Lecture title: «Advances in Catalysis via the Exploration of Novel Ionic Structures»
Host: Prof. Jérome Waser, EPF Lausanne
Prof. Michael R. Wasielewski, Northwestern University (US)
Lecture title: «Photoinitiated Charge Transport in Self-assembled Organic Nanostructures» and
«Integrated Molecular Systems for Artificial Photosynthesis»
Host: Prof. Oliver S. Wenger, University of Basel
Prof. Kazuya Kikuchi, Osaka University (JP)
Lecture title: «Design Strategy of Molecular Imaging Probes which Convert Biological Signals to Chemical Output»
Host: Prof. Nicolas Winssinger, University of Geneva
Prof. Shunichi Fukuzumi, Osaka University (JP)
Lecture Title: «New Strategies for Artificial Photosynthesis»
Host: Prof. Oliver Wenger, University of Basel
Prof. Huw Davies, Emory University (US)
Lecture Title: «Collaborative Approach for C-H Functionalization»
Host: Prof. Nicolai Cramer, EPF Lausanne
SCS Lectureships - Program 2014
Prof. Peter J. Sadler, University of Warwick (UK)
«Metals in Medicine»
Host: PD Dr. Julien Furrer, University of Bern
Prof. Peter R. Schreiner, Universität Giessen (Germany)
«Enantioselective Multicatalysis - Retrocatalysis»,
«Nanodiamandoids as Next-Generation Carbon Materials» and
«Tunnelling control of chemical reactions»
Host: Prof. Thomas Bally, University of Fribourg
Prof. Mark MacLachlan, University of British Columbia (Canada)
"Supramolecular Chemistry"
Host: Alan F. Williams, University of Geneva
Prof. Prof. Keiji Morokuma, Kyoto University (Japan)
«Exciting World of Theoretical Studies of Chemical Reactions»
Host: Prof. Markus Meuwly, University of Basel
Prof. Varinder Aggarwal, University of Bristol (UK)
«Assembly Line Synthesis»
Host: Prof. Philippe Renaud, University of Berne
Prof. Sukbok Chang, KAIST, Department of Chemistry (KR)
«Development of Direct C-H Amination Reactions Based on Mechanistic Aspects»
Host: Prof. E. Peter Kündig, University of Geneva
SCS Lectureships - Program 2013
Prof. Carl Lineberger, University of Colorado Boulder (USA)
«Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy: From Radicals to the Reaction Coordinate»
Host: Prof. Thomas Bally, University of Fribourg
Prof. Hanadi Sleiman, McGill University, Montreal (Canada)
«Three-Dimensional DNA Structures for Biological and Materials Applications»
Host: Prof. Prof. Georg Suess-Fink, University of Neuchâtel
Prof. Michael Famulok, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (DE)
«Chemical biology for deciphering cell signaling pathways» and
«Oligonucleotide-based tools for pharmacology and nano-engineering»
Host: Prof. Wolf-Dietrich Woggon, University of Basel
Program Director
Prof. Beat Fierz, EPFL Lausanne
Site Coordinators
University of Basel: Prof. Stefan Willitsch
University of Bern: Prof. Philippe Renaud
University of Fribourg: Prof. Fabio Zobi
University of Geneva: Prof. Nicolas Winssinger
Univesity of Neuchâtel: Prof. Bruno Therrien
University of Zurich: Prof. Cristina Nevado
EPFL Lausanne: Prof. Sandrine Gerber
ETH Zurich: Prof. Frédéric Merkt, Prof. Bill Morandi
Syngenta Crop Protection AG: Dr. Sarah Sulzer
Novartis Pharma AG: Dr. Fabrice Gallou
F. Hofmann-La Roche AG: Dr. Stefan Bachmann
BASF Schweiz AG: Dr. Olivier Enger