ChemPubSoc Europe is your partner in chemical research. From creation and submission to publication and promotion, our publishing program gives your research the recognition it deserves. In this newsletter we update you on the performance of our titles and we acquaint you with the latest innovations at ChemPubSoc Europe.
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Lights, chemistry, action!ChemPubSoc Europe puts your research in the spotlight. Publications in our journals are being cited and shared more than ever before. Clarivate's 2019 journal citation reports reveal a 20-50 % rise in citations for four journals in 2018, with increases for all others. See the impact factors here. ChemPubSoc Europe provides a platform for all your publishing needs, from Special Issues, such as ChemCatChem’s Women of Catalysis, (16/2019, guest edited by Deryn E. Fogg, Petra de Jongh, and Li-Zhu Wu), prestigious awards, competitions, and new initiatives in Open Access, such as Projekt DEAL. Catch up with ChemPubSoc Europe in the IYPT 2019. |
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Put your institute on the map with EurJOC and EurJICResearch institutes across Europe have collaborated with EurJOC and EurJIC to publish institute-focused Special Issues. To date, six issues showcase research at leading institutes; including, ICHO(Poland), ICIQ (Spain), IOCB (Czech Republic), ICSN(France), and LIKAT (Germany). The most recent Institute Feature was published in July to highlight the Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry (ZIOC) in Moscow, Russia, in honor of the IUPAC 21st Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, in St. Petersburg, Russia. It’s time to shine a light on the (in)organic chemistry research at your institute! Contact EurJOC or EurJIC to find out how. |
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ChemRxiv—a success storyNow celebrating its second birthday, ChemRxiv is quickly becoming the preprint server of choice for chemists. The service was launched in August 2017 by the American Chemical Society (ACS), the German Chemical Society (GDCh), and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). And in August 2019, the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) and the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) became co-owners. In this item we take a look at ChemRxiv’s growing contribution to scholarly publication. ChemPubSoc Europe and ACES journals, as well as sister journal Angewandte Chemie, support preprinting on ChemRxiv. Visit our preprint guidelines. |
ChemPubSoc Europe is the umbrella publishing organization of 16 European chemical societies. Submit your high-quality submission to us to strengthen your national society!
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