Rigi Workshop 2025: Microbiome Meets Metabolism: Linking microbial biotransformations of chemicals to human and environmental health

This 3-days interdisciplinary workshop will allow you to discuss the transformative power of microbiomes in shaping chemical structures and functions, vital for human and environmental well-being. This workshop will bridge microbiology and bioinformatics with toxicology, pharmacology and environmental sciences, focusing on cutting-edge methodologies and data science tools. Participants will explore the intricate biotransformation processes in diverse microbiomes like the human gut and the environment and link those with microbiome composition analysis, thereby gaining practical insights and predictive skills. Scientific talks and teamworking sessions offer hands-on experience in data analysis, experimental strategies, and career development. Dive deep into understanding microbial metabolism’s impact on ecosystems and human health, and equip yourself with essential tools for impactful research.

When? 2 - 4 February 2025.
Where? Hotel Rigi Kulm (Schwyz), one of the most scenic place in Switzerland!
For Who? Up to 30 Phd-students and post-docs in biology or chemistry from Swiss research institutions.
ECTS? Please contact your doctoral schools for the accreditation of ECTS which we estimate between 1 and 1.5 ECTS.
Costs? Participants only pay a CHF 150.- registration fee that covers workshop, housing and meals in double rooms (CHF 190.- in single room).
Application? The deadline to apply is 30 October 2024, with an abstract and a letter of motivation. The organisers will select ip to 30 outstanding applicants.
Speakers? Dr. Georg Aichinger,  Prof. Emily Balskus (Harvard, US), Prof. Nicholas Bokulich (ETHZ), Prof. Philipp Engel (Unil), Prof. Kristopher McNeill (ETHZ), Dr. Serina Robinson (Eawag), Dr. Maria Zimmermann-Kogadeeva (EMBL, DE), Dr. Michael Zimmermann (EMBL, DE).
Scientific organisers?  Dr. Georg Aichinger (ETHZ), Prof. Kathrin Fenner (UZH + Eawag) and Prof. Shana Sturla (ETHZ).
Sponsors? Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT), Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) and NCCR microbiomes.

Please find all necessary information as well as application form on this website: biol.scnat.ch/rigiworkshop25

We are looking forward to receive your application. Please don’t hesitate to write us back for any question.

Kind regards,

Caroline Reymond
Collaboratrice scientifique
Académie suisse des sciences naturelles (SCNAT)
Maison des Académies · Laupenstrasse 7 · Case postale · 3001 Berne · Suisse