In January, Dr. David Peralta, Editor-in-Chief of ChemMedChem, will go on a Swiss Institute tour for the Chemistry Seminar of the Swiss National Academy of Sciences Chemistry Platform. From January 15 until January 22, he will be visiting different institutes to run exciting chemistry workshops on AI in Research and Publishing. 

Bild: AI generated image about AI in chemistry and publishing (

Wed. 15. January: University of Zürich Retreat in Evolve
Location: CMSZH-retreat at Chalet LANA, Chemin du Canada 5, 1983 Evolène.
Time: 1630 (or 1700) about 2h. 
Hosts and moderators: Vincent Freiburghaus & Claire Grigglestone [organisers of the retreat]  

Thu. 16. January: University of Fribourg
Location: Pavillon Vert 
Time: 1500-1700
Host and moderator: Fabio Zobi

Fri. 17. January: ETH Zürich
Location: PbLabs (ETH Zentrum, RZ Building, D-Floor) 
Time: 1500-1800
Hosts and moderators: Elvan Kut and Christophe Copéret 

Mon. 20. January: EPFL
Location: Room ELE 117
Time: 1500-1700
Hosts and moderator: Philippe Schwaller 

Tue. 21. January: University of Basel
Location: kl. OC Hörsaal 
Time: 1630-1830
Host and moderator: Christof Sparr 

Wed. 22. January: Universiity of Bern
Location: S559 Club Room 
Time: 1630-1700
Host and moderator: Natalie Banerji/ Berner Chemische Gesellschaft 

David Spichiger, SCS