The Swiss Chemical Society Spring Meeting is a one day symposium and provides a high quality program with national and international speakers of a certain topic.
It is also the platform for the Werner Prize Ceremony and the Werner Award Lecture.

For the first time, the event will be held on the online platform Gather.Town.

Gather.Town is a web browser based virtual space where you can move around with your avatar and get in 1:1 interaction with other conference participants, the speakers and exhibitors. Best results provide the browsers Chrome and Firefox. Please note that the application is not full compatible with browsers like Safari a.o. they may cause distortions of the graphics. Gather.Town also provides a desktop version of its platform that can be downloaded on their website.

During the registration process, you will generate a profile and login credentials. After the login you will find a 'Join the Online Symposium' button on the "Conference Location" site and on the symposium main page that guides you to the virtual conference room (Gather Town).

SCS Spring Meeting 2021: «Chemistry and the Environment» 
online symposium
Thu, April 15, 2021, 09.00-16.50h

The organizers, invite you to join the event and are looking forward to welcoming you online in April 2021.

SCS Spring Meeting 2021, Flyer


Please register until before April 1st, 20121 for invoice payment on the Symposium Website
Participation is free for SCS mebers and costs CHF 50.00 for non-members.



Céline Wittwer, SCS