SCS Annual Report 2021
«2021 has been another very successful and active year for the SCS. Despite the difficult pandemic situation, we were able to have as many as reasonable live meetings with our Teams and SCS members. These events had a very special flavor in our constrained lives, and I really felt happy to finally meet and discuss with colleagues and friends. I wish that 2022 will allow SCS members to share and enjoy science together»
Dr. Alain De Mesmaeker, President of the SCS 2016-2021
With pleasure we look back on a very interesting and active year. After 2020 and a year dominated predominantly by COVID-19 measures and restrictions, everyone hoped that 2021 would bring more normality. Unfortunately, the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic continued to prolong and affected also the SCS activities. Some events were again held as virtual events with online lectures, video presentations and innovative online platforms for networking, but others had to be postponed again and will hopefully now take place in 2022. However, there were also bright spots in the SCS calendar and in late summer and autumn the SCS organized seven events as face-to-face events.
One of the highlights was the first Swiss Chemistry Science Night, which was held at the Casino Bern in September 2021 after its cancellation in 2020. Even though the event had to be implemented somewhat smaller than originally planned, more than 80 invited guests enjoyed the evening and celebrated the implementation of this new, annual gala evening of the SCS.
The most important, new initiatives in 2021:
- organization of the 1st Swiss Chemistry Science Night in Bern;
- intensifying the collaboration with LS2 to participate in and further develop a seminar program in the field of IP and patents;
- establishing a task force to address the structural deficit between Universities, Government and Industry to offer adequate career entry opportunities;
- creating a special virtual issue of CHIMIA to celebrate the 75th anniversary of our membership journal;
- migrating all CHIMIA content to a single platform based on OJS with go-live date in early 2022;
- providing event organization services for third parties and support HRMS 2021 and NPC 2021 to implement their virtual international conferences; further developing the SCS event IT infrastructure including a video archive for short scientific communications (virtual posters);
- extending the SCS Partnership program to 18 companies.
Please enjoy reading through the 2021 annual report that shows again a very active and lively society.
Dr. Alain De Mesmaeker David Spichiger
President Executive Director
The SCS Annual Report is also published in CHIMIA Volume 76, No 1-2/2022
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Sponsoring Possibilities at SCS Events 2022
Please contact David Spichiger or Céline Wittwer () if you are interested in a collaboration.
SCS Event Calendar
European Young Chemists Meeting 2022 (EyCheM22)
Jan 19-21, 2022, Online Conference (Uni Fribourg)
DMCCB Basel Symposium 2022
«Intrinsically Disordered Proteins as Drug Targets»
Jan 31, 2022, Online Conference (Uni Basel)
SCS Spring Meeting 2022
«Biosupramolecular Chemistry»
Apr 22, 2022, University of Geneva
Section Chemistry and the Environment (SCE) Young Scientist Event 2022
May 3, 2022, Syngenta Research Center, Stein (AG)
SCS Bürgenstock Conference 2022
May 1-5, 2022, Hotel Waldstätterhof, Brunnen
CHanalysis 2022
May 19-20, 2022, Dorint Blüemlisalp, Beatenberg
Swiss Photochemistry Symposium 2022
Jun 17, 2022, HEIA Fribourg
SCS Seminar on Flow Chemistry 2022
Jun 27-29, 2022, Villars-sur-Glâne
Swiss Catalysis Symposium 2022 (SwissCat)
Jun 30, 2022, University of Bern
Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2022
Aug 25-26, 2022, University of Basel
SCS Fall Meeting 2022
Sep 8, 2022, Irchel Campus, University of Zürich
SCS Summer School on Chemical Biology 2022
Sep 11-15, 2022, Les Diablerets
Swiss Chemistry Science Night 2022
Sep 16, 2022, Casino Bern
ILMAC Lausanne 2022
Sep 28-29, 2022, Beaulieu, Lausanne
14th Swiss Course on Medicinal Chemistry 2022
Oct 9-14, 2022, Alpine Classic Hotel, Leysin
SCS Seminar on Intellectual Property 2022
Advanced course with focus on industry
Nov 7-8, 2022, Seminarzentrum Schloss Gerzensee
➤ More events will be announced as soon as dates and locations are confirmed
Event Series 2022
- Casale Mini-Symposia
- SCS Lectureships
- Corporate Insights by youngSCS
- SWC Mentoring Program
David Spichiger, SCS
EuChemS Year Book 2021: A summary of the many EuChemS 2021 activities
We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Yearbook is now available for download on the EuChemS website!
The 2021 Yearbook is EuChemS annual report which looks back at the activities and achievements carried out by the European Chemical Society and its Professional Networks over the year. The Yearbook explores from every angle the relevant and impactful initiatives and actions of EuChemS in 2021 in policy areas, meetings, events, as well as awards and other science communication accomplishments. This publication was coordinated by the EuChemS Secretariat team. Floris Rutjes, EuChemS President, offers in his editorial an overview of the activities of the year, highlights the many successful collaborations that ensued and gives insights on the direction to follow for the months ahead.
We invite you to read and download the EuChemS Yearbook 2021 here.
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Fall Meeting 2022: Register now and apply for a short talk or a poster presentation
We are pleased to invite you to the SCS Fall Meeting 2022, one of the largest annual research conferences held in Switzerland. For decades, the SCS Fall Meeting has been a great platform for young chemists trained in Switzerland to present their research - often for the first time ever at a major conference - and to be inspired by the people they meet there.
SCS Fall Meeting 2022
Irchel Campus, University of Zurich
Thursday, 8. September 2022, 09:15 – 18:30
The Scientific Program offeres Award Lectures presented by leaders in their respective fields, as well as invited and contributed lectures in nine thematic sessions covering all fields of chemistry. For each of the nine topics, there is also a virtual poster session with an expected total of more than 400 posters.
Program Highlights
- Two plenary sessions with lectures of SCS price winners 2022
- Poster Session during Lunch Break
- Nine thematic parallel sessions with key note lectures and 15min PhD presentations
- Best oral and best poster presentation award ceremony
- Commercial Exhibition
Topics of the parallel sessions are
- Analytical Sciences
- Catalysis Science & Engineering
- Computational Chemistry
- Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology
- Organic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces
- Chemistry and the Environment
Registration is now open and is free for SCS Members.
register to the conference |
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Zurich
Prof. Roger Alberto, University of Zurich (Chairman)
Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi, ETH Zurich / SCS Foundation (Chairman)
David Spichiger, Swiss Chemical Society (SCS Head Office)
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Stick to Science: Pan-European Campaign to expedite the association of Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK) to Horizon Europe
Together we can make a difference and get our voice heard across Europe, making the case that Switzerland’s and the UK’s association agreements to Horizon Europe must be concluded as swiftly as possible. The Swiss Chemical Society encourages all its members to sign the campaign on
The Stick to Science campaign is initiated as a pan-European effort to expedite the association of Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK) to Horizon Europe. The signatories believe that collaboration in science, research and innovation in Europe is more important than ever as we face some of the world’s greatest challenges. At present, the association of the UK and Switzerland to Horizon Europe has been delayed and there is no clear vision of the eventual outcome. Europe’s position in the world would be stronger with robust research collaborations that contribute to a prosperous European research and innovation landscape.
The Stick to Science campaign brings together the voice of researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators, research funding/performing bodies, umbrella organisations, etc. for an open R&I landscape in Europe and at international level, without political barriers. First supporters have produced videos explaining why they are supporting the #StickToScience campaign. Watch them here.
Horizon Europe’s first grants are presently being signed; therefore, it is important to secure the association of long-standing partner countries such as Switzerland and UK, in order not to ensure continuity of existing partnerships and projects and the continued strength of Europe as a whole. Since the EU finalised the association of numerous countries at the end of 2021, there is no time to waste for the association of the UK and Switzerland.
The Stick to Science campaign calls for an open and barrier-free R&I collaboration among Europe’s research and innovation actors, via the association of the UK and Switzerland to Horizon Europe.
The signatories urge the EU, the UK and Switzerland to rapidly reach association agreements so that the two countries can contribute scientifically and financially to the strength of Horizon Europe and to a truly open, inclusive and excellence-driven European Research Area.
The campaign aims to consolidate the voice of European scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators, umbrella organisations and funding bodies for an open science and innovation landscape.
The initiative is a pan-European endeavour, with the support of prominent representatives from a wide range of EU Member States, the UK and Switzerland. The campaign is set in motion by the Presidents of ETH Zurich (Prof. Joël Mesot), EPFL (Prof. Martin Vetterli), ETH Board (Prof. Michael Hengartner), Universities UK, the umbrella organisation of 140 UK universities, Wellcome and the Royal Society. The initiative is funded by the 6 co-initiator institutions.
Further Information:
David Spichiger, SCS
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