Open Position @ETHZ: Assistant Professor of Digital Chemistry
Assistant Professor of Digital Chemistry
→ The Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences ( at ETH Zürich invites applications for the above-mentioned position within the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering ( The successful candidate should demonstrate experience in data science, artificial intelligence and data analytics, with a clear emphasis on their application to guide experimental research in chemical science and engineering and the potential to develop an ambitious, innovative programme within these areas.
→ The recently established National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Catalysis will actively support this position. It aims to create new value chains to enable the manufacture of a broad portfolio of chemicals from renewable feedstocks. The ultimate goal is to underpin sustainable growth, secure energy supplies, and safeguard clean air, water, and soil. The NCCR will offer an extensive collaborative framework with a large experimental community embedding academic and industrial partners, as well as dedicated funds for personnel and running expenses.
→ Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in natural sciences, computer science, or engineering, with a strong interest in the application of data science to chemical reactions and/or processes, and an excellent international record of accomplishments. At the assistant professor level, commitment to teaching and the ability to lead a research group are expected. She or he should be motivated and committed to teaching graduate-level courses (English or German) in chemistry and (bio)chemical engineering.
→ Assistant professorships have been established to promote the careers of younger scientists. The initial appointment is for four years with the possibility of renewal for a two-year period.
→ Please apply online:
→ Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of future research and teaching interests, and a description of the three most important achievements. The letter of application should be addressed to the President of ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot. The closing date for applications is 28 February 2021. ETH Zurich is an equal opportunity and family friendly employer, strives to increase the number of women professors, and is responsive to the needs of dual career couples.
SACC Spring Meeting 2021: Call for Abstracts
SACC Spring Meeting 2021
February 12, 2021 - 13.00-16.45h
Online Symposium
Information about the Event
The spring meeting 2021 is targeted towards computational scientists and interested members of the academic and industrial chemistry community in Switzerland and neighboring countries.
The event is organized by PhD students and Postdocs in the Swiss Association of Computational Chemists (SACC).
More information:
The spring meeting will be a virtual half-day event, taking place on Friday, 12 February 2021 in the afternoon.
The meeting will consist of:
- contributed talks by junior researchers (15 min + 5 min discussion)
- an interactive virtual poster session with spotlight presentations.
During the poster session each poster will be spotlighted twice during which the presenter is expected to give an overview of the poster and answer questions of the audience. Multiple spotlight presentations will be parallel.
If you would like to present a poster or give an oral presentation, please upload your abstract after registration. You can find more information about the format of each contribution in the FAQ.
25.01.2021: Abstract submission
15.01.2021: Notification of acceptance
05.02.2021: Upload of Posters
07.02.2020: Registration
Sign up
Mathias Dankl (EPFL), Simon Duerr (EPFL), Anna Hehn (UZH), Tiziano Müller (UZH), Michela Pauletti (UZH), George Trenins (ETHZ)
David Spichiger, SCS
ChemPhysChem’s 2nd virtual symposium (on Supramolecular Chemistry)
The ChemPhysChem's 2nd virtual symposium 2020 on Supramolecular Chemistry will be moderated by Nobel Laureate Fraser Stoddart (Northwestern University) and will include talks by Nathalie Busschaert (Tulane University), Carson Bruns (University of Colorado), and Steve Goldup (University of Southampton)
on October 22, 2020 at 4pm CEST.
Register for free here.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Open Position @UniGE: Full or Associate Professor in experimental physical chemistry
University of Geneva
Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, has an opening for a position as
Full or Associate Professor Position
at the Department of physical chemistry
in the domain of experimental physical chemistry
Institute: The Department of physical chemistry of the Faculty of science of the University of Geneva offers an innovative and stimulating scientific environment. Internationally recognized research of the Department includes the development and application of spectroscopic methods to study ultrafast processes, interfaces, aggregates and chiral materials as well as the preparation and study of materials for sustainable technologies and theoretical chemistry.
Assignment: The position is full time with teaching at the Bachelor and Masters levels in the field of general and physical chemistry (6 h/week). The successful candidate is expected to lead a vibrant research program at an internationally competitive level in experimental physical chemistry. The field of research should complement the existing expertise in the department and enable synergies with the priority projects of the Faculty of Science, that is, life sciences, materials sciences, and environmental science. The candidate will be involved in administrative duties in the Department of physical chemistry and in the Faculty of science.
Academic Title Requested: PhD in chemistry or equivalent. Relevant teaching experience. Track record of scientific achievements including publications in high-ranked international journals.
Starting Date: September 1st, 2021, or as agreed.
Applications should include a cover letter, detailed CV together with a list of publications, copy of highest degrees/diploma, research and teaching statements, list of referees who may later be contacted directly by the search committee. Recommendation letters are not requested at this stage.
Applications should be submitted exclusively on-line at the following address : before September 30th, 2020 (23:59 Geneva time). APPLICATIONS SENT BY EMAIL SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Complementary information may be obtained at the following e-mail address : .
Applications from women are particularly welcome.
You can read this announcement on the UniGE job website as well.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
LS2: Call for applications for the PIs of tomorrow session
Life Science Switzerland (LS2) is pleased to announce the call for applications for the session
“PIs of tomorrow: The Future of Swiss Research”
at the next LS2 Annual Meeting 2021, taking place in Geneva, 18-19 February.
This session offers postdocs interested in an academic career an opportunity to present a plenary talk similar in format to a professorship interview seminar. Please, find all the information about the PIs of tomorrow 2020 at The 2021 edition and call will be published in September under the same link.
Selected participants will have the chance to get a slot for a 15-minute presentation, which should appeal to a broad audience and in which both the achievements accomplished and the proposed future research are to be explained. The talk will be followed by a 10-minute discussion on various aspects of the proposed activity, as well as on career-oriented aspects of the presenter. A knowledgeable jury panel of professors will evaluate the presentations.
The best presentation will be awarded a prize. However, everyone is a winner as all presenters in the session will receive feedback from the jury in a one-to-one private session afterward. Moreover, as a participant in the LS2 Annual Meeting 2021, you will have the opportunity to expand or refresh your network in Switzerland, to interact with scientists in and outside your field. Only applicants having ties to Switzerland will be considered (i.e. Swiss citizenship, Swiss residency, past or on-going affiliation with a Swiss institution of at least two years by the 2021 meeting). Independent position holders are not eligible.
The following documents are required for the application:
- Cover letter highlighting your interest and eligibility (max. 1 page)
- Research statement including past work and future research plans with their scientific impact and significance (max. 300 words)
- CV with a publication list (max. 2 pages)
Selection criteria:
- Scientific quality of proposed research
- Novelty and creativity
- Relevance and impact
- Research output
- Collaborations, networks, and outreach
- Teaching and leadership
- Mobility
To apply, please follow the guidelines in the application link below, where you will be asked to upload your documents as a single pdf file (max. 5 MB) before November 1st, 2020 (23:59 CET).
Questions about the session should be addressed to .
If you are selected, your travel and accommodation fees will be paid by the LS2 organization.
We are looking forward to your application and hope to welcome you to Geneva!
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Shalu Jhanwar, Dr. Eleonora Porcu, Dr. Mehdi Badaoui, and Dr. Myra Chavez-Rosas, Chairs of the PIs of Tomorrow session
Dr. Adela Calvente and Dr. Jessica Plucain, Scientific Officers and Organizers of the LS2 Annual Meeting 2021 ()
David Spichiger, SCS
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