Free Access to Kudos Pro
Kudos, the award-winning service for accelerating research impact, has announced that it has extended the sign-up period for complimentary access to Kudos Pro, after more than 5,000 researchers signed up in the first wave.
Kudos Pro comprises a toolkit for showcasing research to broad audiences. Researchers can quickly create profile pages to explain their work, generate briefings for specific audience groups, connect outputs that are distributed across other websites, and track communications across a range of media. Results are collated for easy reporting and analysis. The company provides full guidance and support to assist researchers in maximizing the reach and uptake of their work.
Researchers need to register and activate their 60 days' free access.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Swiss Summer School 2019: Trends in Organic Synthesis
The Swiss Summer Schools, also referred to as Villars Summer Schools, are one-week out-of-town course/conference-type events for MSc, PhD and postdoctoral students with a focus on selected topics. They offer a platform for the active scientific exchange between students and lecturers, and between the participants themselves. The students are expected to actively be involved by presenting a poster or a short communication on their research.
Swiss Summer School: Trends in Organic Synthesis
Eurotel Victoria, Villars-sur-Ollon
Sun, August 18 - Thu, August 22, 2019
Researchers from industry as well as students from abroad are most welcome to participate.
- Prof. Shunsuke Chiba, NTU Singapore
- Prof. Darren Dixon, University of Oxford
- Prof. Herbert Mayr, LMU Munich
- Prof. Ilhyong Ryu, Osaka Prefecture University
- Prof. Corey Stephenson, University of Michigan
- Dr. Joanna Wencel-Delord, University of Strasbourg
There will be a series of special lectures presented by researchers from industry (Firmenich, Givaudan, Lonza, ChemSpeed, Idorsia). After the lecture, and throughout the evening, the lecturers will be available for discussion with the participants.
- Program
- Location
- Registration (Deadline is 30.06.2019)
- Contact
About the Villars Summer Schools
The Villars Summers Schools have a long tradition and date back to the séminaires du 3ième cycle of the 1960ies. Until recently, they were organized by a consortium of universities (Bern, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Genève, and the EPFL; later joined by the University of Zürich) and are now held as a national event organized by the Swiss Chemical Society as part of its SCS Seminar Series.
David Spichiger, SCS
Paul Karrer Medal Ceremony and Lecture 2019, 12 June 2019
Paul Karrer Medal Ceremony and Lecture
June 12th, 2019, 17:00h
University of Zürich
Aula KOL G 201 Rämistrasse 71, Zürich
Prof. Dr. Makoto Fujita
The University of Tokyo, Japan
«Coordination Self-Assembly: From the Origins to the Latest Advances»
David Spichiger, SCS
International François Diederich Farewell Sympsium, June 3, 2019
International François Diederich Farewell Sympsium, June 3, 2019
Monday, June 3, 2019, 09.00 - 19.00h
ETH Zürich, Campus Hönggerberg, HCI G3 Program
09.00 | Welcome |
09.10 | Jonathan Sessler UT Austin |
09.50 | Luisa de Cola ISIS, Univ. Strasbourg |
10.30 | Break |
11.00 | Andreas Hirsch Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg |
11.40 | Thomas Carell LMU Munich |
12.30 | Lunch Break |
14.00 | Jeff Blaney Genentech San Francisco |
14.40 | Atsuhiro Osuka Kyoto University |
15.20 | Ken Houk UCLA |
16.00 | Break |
16.30 | Matthias Witschel BASF Ludwigshafen |
17.10 | David Leigh Univ. of Manchester |
18.00 | Helmut Schwarz TU Berlin |
18.40 | François Diederich ETH Zürich |
David Spichiger, SCS
Call for applications for a JSP fellowship at the Bürgenstock Conference 2019
The ‘SCS Conference on Stereochemistry’, better known as ‘Bürgenstock Conference’, is an outstanding international chemistry meeting of high scientific quality, with an optimal setting for intense inter-disciplinary discussion.
The 54th ‘Bürgenstock Conference’ will take place in Brunnen, May 5-9, 2019 at Seehotel Waldstätterhof Brunnen.
Junior Scientists Participation Fellowships - The Scientific Leaders of the next Generation!
Thanks to the Division of Fundamental Research of the Swiss Chemical Society and the support of the industrial participants, every year 12-16 young promising European scientists (including Russia and Israel) at the beginning of their academic careers have received a fellowship to participate to the Bürgenstock conference. The intense interactions between junior and senior scientists have inspired much frontier research and are at the origin of many fruitful scientific collaborations.
The Organizing Committee asks leading scientists, former Presidents of the ‘Bürgenstock Conferences’, as well as Presidents of National Academies of Science to nominate candidates at the beginning of their career (< less than 5 years as independent group leader) for supported participation. The (typically) long list of candidates, complemented by spontaneous applications of interested young researchers, is reviewed by the President together with the Organizing Committee. They select a group of 12-16 junior scientists for support based on scientific excellence and diversity. A successfully completed PhD thesis is a prerequisite for consideration.
Since 2019, to promote early world-wide interactions among leading scientists of the next generation, a maximum of two fellowships each will be attributed to young scientists from North America and Asia/Oceania/Africa respectively. Nominations will be done exclusively by the Bürgenstock speakers from these areas of the last two years. Self-nominations are not possible.
The application for a JSP fellowship should include:
- a CV
- a publication list and
- at least one letter of reference
It should be sent to Prof. Jérôme Waser from the Organizing Committee ()
Deadline: December 1st, 2018.
Website of the Bürgenstock Conference 2019
David Spichiger, SCS
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