Publish Open Access at no charge with Wiley's Hybrid Journals
The Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) is part and co-owner of Chemistry Europe (CE), a consortium of 16 European scientific societies and the Wiley publishing house that publishes a family of high-quality scholarly chemistry journals, covering a very broad range of disciplines. The SCS is strongly committed to motivate Swiss based researchers to publish their results in the CE journals. As in many other European countries, Wiley has also reached an agreement in Switzerland that authors affiliated with Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries (CSAL) may publish primary research and review articles as open access in any of Wiley's hybrid journals at no charge to the author.
To publish without having to pay additional Article Publication Charges (APCs), the article's responsible corresponding author must be from an eligible institution and the article must have been accepted on or after 1 May 2021.
You can be confident that by choosing open access your work has the best chance to be read, cited and shared. Read more about the advantages of publishing open access here. Publishing open access:
- Complies with funder or institution mandates
- Allows you to retain copyright through a CC BY license
- Enables automatic deposit in PMC (when appropriate)
To be eligible:
- Your manuscript must have been accepted on or after 1 May 2021.
- You must be the responsible corresponding author who is affiliated with an eligible Swiss institution at the point of acceptance.
- All primary research and review articles qualify.
- You must order hybrid open access by using our order workflow as described on the website.
Website of Chemistry Europe
David Spichiger, SCS
Chemistry Travel Award 2023: Call for Applications
The Platform Chemistry of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) announce the 2023 Chemistry Travel Award.
The award includes a contribution of CHF 1'000 towards the cost of an active participation (poster or oral presentation) at an international conference between 15 May 2023 and 14 May 2024 in any field of the chemical sciences.
Up to 45 doctoral students from Swiss research institutions will be awarded. Selection will be based primarily on scientific accomplishments and on the submitted conference abstract.
The deadline for applications: 31 March 2023
All the information about the conditions of participation and the application forms are under
David Spichiger, SCS / Leo Merz, SCNAT
SCS Award Winners 2023
It’s our pleasure to announce the winners of the 2023 SCS Scientific Award Programs. We would like to sincerely congratulate all winners for their outstanding scientific contributions, and we are looking forward to the Swiss Chemistry Science Night in Bern on September 15, 2023, where the official award ceremonies will take place. Award lectures will be organized as part of the program of one of our upcoming events.
Werner Prize 2023
Prof. Victor Mougel, ETH Zurich
receives the prize for his research at the interface of molecular, surface, and materials chemistry, encompassing lanthanide/actinide coordination, bioinorganic and materials chemistry as well as electrochemistry and catalysis and especially for the development of high efficiency systems for solar-driven conversion of CO2 to hydrocarbons based on a bioinspired approach.
The prize is endowed with CHF 10’000 and a medal in bronze. The award lecture will take place at the SCS Spring Meeting in Zurich on April 14, 2023.
Sandmeyer Prize 2023
The SCS honors Dr. Agnes Bombrun, Dr. Boris Schilling, Dr. Eric Eichhorn and Dr. Fridtjof Schröder from Givaudan Schweiz AG, and its project tema Ambrofix ((-)-Ambrox)
for their outstanding research contributions that led to the development of an innovative and even more importantly an industrially viable and sustainable process for AmbrofixTM ((-)-ambrox) using green chemistry and biotechnology.
The award is endowed with CHF 20’000.
The award lecture will take place at the 16. Freiburger Symposium on April 28, 2023 and at the SCS Fall Meeting in Bern on August 25, 2023.
Distinguished Industrial Science Award 2023
Dr. Alain De Mesmaeker, Syngenta Crop Protection AG (retired, )
is honored for his exceptional research career in numerous research areas, always focused on scientific excellence, and for his ongoing commitment to human development and mentoring that has shaped and inspired multiple generations of sci-entists and leaders.
The award is endowed with CHF 15’000.
The award lecture will take place at the SCS Fall Meeting in Bern on August 24, 2023.
Senior Industrial Science Award 2023
Dr. Robin Fairhurst, Novartis Pharma AG
receives the prize for his outstanding contributions to the discovery and optimization of several drug development candidates, many of which have reached the clinic and even the market.
The prize is endowed with CHF 10’000.
The award lecture will take place at the SCS Fall Meeting in Bern on August 25, 2023.
Industrial Science Award 2023
Dr. Uwe Grether, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
receives the prize for his tremendous impact on medicinal chemistry, focused on the discovery and characterization of small molecules that modulate the activity of the endocannabinoid system for the treatment of various important diseases, and thus for his direct impact on the preclinical and clinical drug discovery portfolio at Roche.
Dr. Tomáš Šmejkal, Syngenta Crop Protection AG
is awarded for his high impact track record in process chemistry and technology that has truly enabled projects and have seen the journey from process research through development and ultimately to commercial scale implementation.
The award is endowed with CHF 7’000 each.
The award lectures will take place at the SCS Fall Meeting in Bern on August 25, 2023.
Swiss Green & Sustainable Chemistry Award 2023
Prof. Ali Coskun, University of Fribourg
receives the prize for his outstanding contributions towards the development of sustainable polymers for catalysis, energy and environental applications.
The award is endowed with CHF 10’000 and is sponsord by Syngenta Crop Protection AG.
The award lecture will take place at one of our upcoming events in 2023 and will be announced in due time.
Grammaticakis-Neumann Prize 2023
Prof. Lea Nienhaus, Florida State University (USA)
is awarded for her nationally and internationally recognized research program in Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconductors prob-ing the influence from the macroscale to nanoscale.
The prize is endowed with CHF 5’000.
The award lecture will take place at the SCS Fall Meeting in Bern on August 25, 2023.
METAS Award 2023
Dr. Michael Stravs, Eawag Dübendorf
receives the prize for your outstanding scientific achievements, especially the new and innovative approach to combine state-of-the-art analysis technologies, artificial intelligence and reference data in near real time that is exemplary for similar problems in chemistry and biology.
The prize is endowed with CHF 5'000 and a certificate.
The award lecture is planned at the CHanalysis in Beatenberg on March 29-31, 2023.
Simon-Widmer Award 2023
Prof. Uwe Sauer, ETH Zürich
is awarded for his pioneering work in the field of metabolomics.
The prize is endowed with CHF 5'000 and a trophy.
The award lecture takes place at Euroanalysis 2023 in Geneva, August 27-31, 2023.
Cancer Drug Discovery Research Award 2023 (supported by RGCC International)
Dr. Elena Zakharova, University of Bern
receives this newly implemented award for your outstanding work in discovering new peptide-based anti-cancer agents that you did during your PhD studies at University of Bern.
The prize is endowed with CHF 5'000 and a certificate.
The award lecture is planned at the DMCCB Basel Symposium in Basel on February 3, 2023.
Balmer Prize 2023
Dr. Stefan Dolder, Gymnasium und FMS Lerbermatt, Köniz b. Bern
wird geehrt für sein grosses Engagement und seine Ideen zur Verbesserung des Unterrichts, insbesondere für das, mangels verfügbarer Software selbst entwickelte Mac-Zeichenprogramm MoleculeSketch zur Darstellung von chemischen Strukturen.
Der Preis ist mit CHF 4’000 und einer Bronze Medaille dotiert.
Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des ChemEdu Events am 24. August 2023 in Bern statt.
Dr. Max Lüthi Prize 2023
Frau Fabiana Bächli, ZHAW Wädenswil
wird geehrt für ihre herausragende Bachelorarbeit «Mesoporöse bioaktive Glasnanopartikel für den Wirkstofftransport»
Ms. Alicia Rodrigues Machado, HEIA Fribourg
receives the prize for her outstanding Bachelor project: «Process design and scale-up studies using single-atom heterogenous catalysts for the synthesis of an API intermediate»
The prize is endowed with CHF 1’000 each and a medal in bronze.
The call for nominations for the 2024 awards is open until September 30, 2023.
David Spichiger, SCS
ILMAC Webinar: Become an Exhibitor
Introduction of the event and Q&A
online, December 8, 2022 - 10.00-10.30h
As a customer-oriented trade show, the event is aimed at specialists from more than 20 different industries in the pharmaceutical, chemical, biotechnology, food, beverage, cosmetics and other sectors.
You will be introduced to the event and your questions will be answered. The first webinar will be held in German, but you can ask questions in English and/or French. Register and you will then receive the link to participate via Microsoft Teams.
More information:
Please register here.
MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG
CH 4005 Basel
T +41 58 200 206 31 06
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Helvetica published first article on Synthetic Procedure
Helvetica expanded its portfolio of accepted articles and published the first manuscript on 'Synthetic Procedures':
Large-scale synthesis of 4-methyl-2-(2H-1,2,3-triazol-2-yl)benzoic acid – a key fragment of Single Orexin Receptor Antagonist ACT-539313 – via Cu2O-catalyzed, ligand-free Ullmann-Goldberg Coupling
Gabriel Schäfer, Tony Fleischer
First published: 11 November 2022, DOI:
«I am sure this will have a positive impact for Helvetica and the entire Swiss chemical society. We feel proud to have contributed the "inaugural manuscript".» Gabriel Schäfer mentioned after the publication. Congratulation!
Dr. Richard J. Smith
Executive Editor, Helvetica Chimica Acta
Phone: +41 44 360 24 31
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